
The indexer query the status of the contracts and write to mongo database

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MoC Indexer


This repository is going to be archived

Please use instead:

API: Stable Protocol API

Indexer: Stable Protocol Indexer


To speed up the app we need an indexer of the blockchain of our contracts. The indexer query the status of the contracts and write to mongo database, so the app query the mongo instead of blockchain (slow).

Indexer jobs

  1. Scan Raw TX: Indexing blocks
  2. Scan Events: Indexing events transactions
  3. Scan Prices: Scan prices
  4. Scan Moc State: Scan current moc state
  5. Scan Moc Status
  6. Scan MocState Status
  7. Scan User State Update
  8. Scan Blocks not processed
  9. Reconnect on lost chain


Requirement and installation

  • We need Python 3.6+
  • Brownie

Install libraries

pip install -r requirements.txt

Brownie is a Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts. Brownie is easy so we integrated it with Money on Chain.

pip install eth-brownie==1.17.1

Network Connections

First we need to install custom networks (RSK Nodes) in brownie:

console> brownie networks add RskNetwork rskTestnetPublic host=https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co chainid=31 explorer=https://blockscout.com/rsk/mainnet/api
console> brownie networks add RskNetwork rskTestnetLocal host=http://localhost:4444 chainid=31 explorer=https://blockscout.com/rsk/mainnet/api
console> brownie networks add RskNetwork rskMainnetPublic host=https://public-node.rsk.co chainid=30 explorer=https://blockscout.com/rsk/mainnet/api
console> brownie networks add RskNetwork rskMainnetLocal host=http://localhost:4444 chainid=30 explorer=https://blockscout.com/rsk/mainnet/api
brownie networks add BSCNetwork bscTestnet host=https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/ chainid=97 explorer=https://blockscout.com/rsk/mainnet/api

Connection table

Network Name Network node Host Chain
rskTestnetPublic RSK Testnet Public https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co 31
rskTestnetLocal RSK Testnet Local http://localhost:4444 31
rskMainnetPublic RSK Mainnet Public https://public-node.rsk.co 30
rskMainnetLocal RSK Mainnet Local http://localhost:4444 30
bscTestnet BSC Testnet Public https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/ 97
bscTestnetPrivate BSC Testnet Private http://localhost:8545/ 97



Make sure to change settings/settings-xxx.json to point to your mongo db.

python ./app_run_moc_indexer.py --config=settings/aws-moc-alpha-testnet.json --config_network=mocTestnetAlpha --connection_network=rskTestnetPublic

--config: Path to config.json

--config_network=mocTestnetAlpha: Config Network name in the json

--connection_network=rskTestnetPublic: Connection network in brownie

Usage Docker


bash ./docker_build.sh -e ec2_alphatestnet -c ./settings/aws-moc-alpha-testnet.json


docker run -d \
--name ec2_alphatestnet_1 \
--env APP_MONGO_URI=mongodb:// \
--env APP_MONGO_DB=local_alpha_testnet2 \
--env APP_CONFIG_NETWORK=mocTestnetAlpha \
--env APP_CONNECTION_NETWORK=https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co,31 \

Custom node

APP_CONNECTION_NETWORK: https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co,31


Starting building server

First you have to start the building server in EC2

Connect to builder with bastion

ssh -F /home/martin/.ssh/bastion/moc_ssh_config moc-builder

change user to builder

sudo su builder -s /bin/bash

AWS Building image

./aws_build_and_push.sh -e <environment> -c <config file> -i <aws id>

Where environment could be

  • ec2_alphatestnet: alpha-testnet.moneyonchain.com
  • ec2_testnet: moc-testnet.moneyonchain.com
  • ec2_mainnet: alpha.moneyonchain.com
  • ec2_rdoc_mainnet: rif.moneyonchain.com
  • ec2_rdoc_testnet: rif-testnet.moneyonchain.com
  • ec2_rdoc_alphatestnet: rif-alpha.moneyonchain.com

Finally it will build the docker image.


Before pushing the image, we need to check if ecr image exist, go to https://us-west-1.console.aws.amazon.com/ecr/repositories?region=us-west-1 and create it

Ensure you have installed the latest version of the AWS CLI and Docker.

Make sure you have built your image before pushing it.

This script will tag with latest and push to the proper repository.

$ ./aws_build_and_push.sh -e ec2_alphatestnet -c ./settings/aws-moc-mainnet2.json -i 123456 

Setting up in AWS ECS

On the task definition it's important to set up the proper environment variables.

  1. APP_CONFIG: The config.json you find in your _settings/deploy_XXX.json folder as json
  2. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: these are needed for the heartbeat function of the jobs, as it needs an account that has write access to a metric in Cloudwatch
  3. APP_CONFIG_NETWORK: The network here is listed in APP_NETWORK
  5. APP_MONGO_URI: mongo uri
  6. APP_MONGO_DB: mongo db

AWS Webservice Building image

./aws_webservice_build_and_push.sh -e <environment> -c <config file> -i <aws id>

Where environment could be

  • alpha-testnet: alpha-testnet.moneyonchain.com
  • testnet: moc-testnet.moneyonchain.com
  • mainnet: alpha.moneyonchain.com
  • rdoc-mainnet: rif.moneyonchain.com
  • rdoc-testnet: rif-testnet.moneyonchain.com
  • rdoc-alphatestnet: rif-alpha.moneyonchain.com

Finally it will build the docker image.


bash ./aws_webservice_build_and_push.sh -e alpha-testnet -i 123 -r us-west-1 -c ./settings/aws-moc-alpha-testnet.json

Setting up in AWS ECS

On the task definition it's important to set up the proper environment variables.

  1. APP_CONFIG: The config.json you find in your _settings/deploy_XXX.json folder as json
  2. APP_MONGO_URI: mongo uri
  3. APP_MONGO_DB: mongo db