This is the Decentralized Token Exchange contracts (TEX) by Money On Chain
This set of smart contracts implements a system where the users are able to exchange their ERC20 tokenss. In this exchange the orders can be inserted anytime but the actual exchanges happen when match with other orders, until that moment the funds are in custody of the system. You can cancel at anytime to recover your funds.
The way to exchange a token is through a pair that contains it. A pair, or a tokens pair, is a pair of token where one is considered the base token and the other one is the secondary token. This pairs are said to be listed in the exchange if you can exchange one token for the other inside it i.e. if an user wants to trade X token for an Y token there must be an X/Y token pair or a Y/X token pair. To add a new pair there must be a pair where the new base token is listed against the common base token "DOC".
In a pair, the secondary token is seen as the good and the base token is seen as the medium of payment i.e. if a buy order is placed the sender is buying secondary tokens in exchange for base tokens meanwhile if a sell order is placed the sender is selling secondary tokens in exchange for base tokens.
Limit Orders (LO from now on) are a type of orders defined by an amount and the price to be paid/charged. The price is always expressed in how much minimum units of base currency is being paid/charged for a minimum unit of the secondary token (take into account that the price is in fixed-point notation so the user has decimals to use for a finer grained management of what it wants to pay). That being said the price may not be the actual price in which the order matches but it is rather a limit (if the user is buying the price is an upper limit of how much he will be paying and if the user is selling the price is an lower limit of how much will be charging).
In the other hand, the amount is always the amount to be locked by the user , i.e. if the user is buying the locking amount of the base token and if the user is selling the locking amount of the secondary token. This amount already includes the commission charged so the amount to be exchanged will actually be less than the locked one.
The order can be executed partially too, i.e. an order can be matched with N orders in M different ticks. The orders can be matched with limit and market orders.
Market Orders (MO from now on) are a type of orders defined by an exchangeable amount of tokens and the multiply factor to be used to compute the final price of the order.
The multiply factor allows determining the competitiveness of market orders and is used to calculate the price of the token:
Order Token Price = Market Price * Multiply Factor
The market price is always expressed in how much units of base currency is being paid/charged for a minimum unit of the secondary token. The market price is obtained with price providers
In the other hand, the exchangeable amount is the amount to be locked by the user minus fee , i.e. if the user is buying the exchangeable amount of the base token and if the user is selling the locking amount of the secondary token. The order can be executed partially too, i.e. an order can be matched with N orders in M different ticks. The orders can be matched with limit and market orders.
An orderbook is a data structure where the orders are saved. There exists two orderbook for each pair, one for sell limit orders and the other for buy limit orders. Both have to be ordered by price at all times to minimize the gas paid in a tick. In particular, the buy orderbook has to be ordered with a descending price and the sell orderbook has to be ordered with an increasing price so the most competitive orders are at the start of it.
The two orderbooks also save market orders. One of them for sell orders and the other for buy market orders. Both have to be ordered by multiplyFactor at all times to minimize the gas paid in a tick. The buy orderbook has to be ordered with a descending multiplyFactor and the sell orderbook has to be ordered with an increasing multiplyFactor so the most competitive orders are at the start of it.
The emergent price is a price calculated given the orders that are present in a pair. In this particular case it is calculated as the average price of the last two matching orders. The last matching orders are the ones that have matching prices (i.e. the buy price is greater or equal than the sell price) and are the last to be processed in a matching process or tick. In order to get it we have to simulate the actual matching process.
A tick is the process in which the orders are matched. In it we calculate the emergent price and later match the orders. The process starts taking the most competitive orders of each type(buy and sell). Given that orders we proceed to match them if they are able to match (i.e. the buy price is greater or equal than the sell price), if only one order is filled we take the next one of that orderbook while if both gets filled we advance in both orderbook and continue with the process until we reach a pair of orders where they have no matching prices. All the remaining orders are left for the next tick. The surplus generated (i.e. the difference between the limit price and the emergent price in the tick) are given back to the user in the same process. If the user sent a buy order the surplus is given as change of the transaction because some of the base token it locked is returned. In the case of a sell order the surplus is given as extra base token paid for the sold tokens.
The lifespan of an order is the amount of ticks the order will live, after that amount of ticks the order will be expired and no longer be matched.
When the tick is running the orders can not be inserted in the orderbook so we actually put them in a pending queue to actually move them at the end of the tick.
Any pair can have many states and the states of each pair is NOT related to the state of the others.
There are four states of the tick and they are independent for each pair.
This state is the one where the tick is actually not running and the contract can insert orders directly in the orderbooks of that pair.
In this state the contract is actually matching the orders and returning the funds to the users. The orders inserted while in this state go to the pending queue. The execution of the tick in this step will be more efficient(and prevent/fix some gas limit softlock) if the expired orders are processed beforehand.
In this state the contract is moving the orders from the pending queue to the main orderbooks. The orders inserted in this state go to the pending queue too.
- Use nodejs v8.12:
nvm install 8.12 && nvm alias default 8.12
- Install local dependencies:
npm install
You need a node to run contracts. Ganache cli for developing purpose
- Ganache-cli
- Globally:
npm install -g ganache-cli;
- Using Docker:
docker pull trufflesuite/ganache-cli;
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 trufflesuite/ganache-cli:latest
- Rsk Local Node
- With Docker: See this repo:
- run:
npm run test
Tests With Coverage
npm run coverage
- browse: ./coverage/index.html
Truffle suit is recommended to compile and deploy the contracts.
Edit truffle-config.js and change add network changes and point to your ganache cli or rsk node.
Edit migrations/config.json and make changes
npm run truffle-compile
to compile the code -
npm run truffle-migrate-dev
to deploy the contracts
Network: RSK Mainnet Type: Production Chain id: 30
Token pair | Base Token address | Secondary Token address | MO |
DOC/WRBTC | 0xe700691dA7b9851F2F35f8b8182c69c53CcaD9Db | 0x967f8799aF07DF1534d48A95a5C9FEBE92c53ae0 | Yes |
DOC/RDOC | 0xe700691dA7b9851F2F35f8b8182c69c53CcaD9Db | 0x2d919F19D4892381D58edeBeca66D5642Cef1a1f | Yes |
DOC/BPRO | 0xe700691dA7b9851F2F35f8b8182c69c53CcaD9Db | 0x440CD83C160De5C96Ddb20246815eA44C7aBBCa8 | Yes |
WRBTC/BPRO | 0x967f8799aF07DF1534d48A95a5C9FEBE92c53ae0 | 0x440CD83C160De5C96Ddb20246815eA44C7aBBCa8 | Yes |
DOC/RIF | 0xe700691dA7b9851F2F35f8b8182c69c53CcaD9Db | 0x2acc95758f8b5f583470ba265eb685a8f45fc9d5 | Yes |
RDOC/RIFP | 0x2d919F19D4892381D58edeBeca66D5642Cef1a1f | 0xf4d27c56595Ed59B66cC7F03CFF5193e4bd74a61 | Yes |
RIF/RIFP | 0x2acc95758f8b5f583470ba265eb685a8f45fc9d5 | 0xf4d27c56595Ed59B66cC7F03CFF5193e4bd74a61 | Yes |
WRBTC/RIF | 0x967f8799aF07DF1534d48A95a5C9FEBE92c53ae0 | 0x2acc95758f8b5f583470ba265eb685a8f45fc9d5 | No |
┃ Storage ┃ Value ┃
│ Beneficiary │ 0xC61820bFB8F87391d62Cd3976dDc1d35e0cf7128 │
│ Commission Rate │ 0.001 │
│ Cancelation Rate │ 0 │
│ Expiration Rate │ 0.2 │
│ Minimum Fix Commision │ 0.5 │
│ Fee 0.001 WRBTC │ 0.000051 │
│ Fee 10 DOC │ 0.01005 │
Contract | Proxy | Implementation |
MoCDecentralizedExchange | 0x4ebd075534d9E24cE134f8BC962311c913730a84 | 0xEC8A7473e7aC0DB598f028Af2b5ba6B65afc3ea8 |
CommissionManager | 0xfBBEA67566844601fFB8ABe8FC2E7E6547A408f0 | 0xE190B137663A2101c00d7F3d98FD0F8D46D58e0b |
MoCExchangeLib | 0x12ede3eEBF9e3FD6317cFBCb3ebfc762Db954d68 | 0x12ede3eEBF9e3FD6317cFBCb3ebfc762Db954d68 |
The code is verified in explorer and in blockscout site.
The current code of the contract is release v1.3.2, you can flatten the contracts code to compare running the script: npm run flatten-contracts
Also you can obtain the implementation address from proxy address with this script
Please read tex integration ...