
The MAS marketing blog.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Marketing Blog

What is this?

The marketing blog application for the Money Advice Service. This an engine-ized fork of Publify.

Where is the code?

This is a Rails Engine, so the code lives in /app as normal, but that is not a complete rails project which you can run. As-per the convention, a standard Rails project is included in spec/dummy which then includes the engine.

To setup

NOTE: Please see the .ruby-version file to check which version of ruby this engine should be run upon.

  • Clone this git repo to your local machine
  • From the project root run $ ./bin/setup
  • That's it.

To run the tests

$ bundle exec rspec from the root directory

To run the engine on its own in the dummy container we use for engines

  • $ cd spec/dummy
  • $ bundle install
  • $ bowndler install
  • $ bundle exec rails s
  • go to localhost:3000

To run as installed within the MAS site

  • Get the lastest version of the MAS website code locally
  • Modify the Gemfile file in the frontend to point to your local repo of the Blog:
#gem 'blog', git: 'git@github.com:moneyadviceservice/marketing-blog.git'
gem 'blog', path: '~/dev/blog' # THIS SHOULD POINT TO THE REPO ON YOUR LOCAL MACHINE
  • modify the /config/features.yml file in the frontend code to contain:
  blog: true
  • Run $ bundle install from the frontend root directory
  • Run bundle exec rails s to start the server (might take a moment)
  • Go to localhost:3000/en/blog to look at the page in the context of the whole site.

From this point on when you make changes to the engine they should be picked up by the main site running on your local machine.