
A place for static files.

Primary LanguageHTML


A place for static files.


E-mail templates are written in mjml and converted to html by generate_html_templates.sh

Adding new platforms

  1. Create appropriate folder in /email-templates/ and /receipt-templates/
  2. Add that folder to generate_fixture.py's template_dirs variable
  3. Add new templates to the app's folder in the correct language folder
  4. Add the required templates to the FIXTURE_TEMPLATE_EMAILS.json or FIXTURE_TEMPLATE_RECEIPTS.json
  5. Proceed to generate the templates as explained below


static > ./email-templates/generate_html_templates.sh 
[+] Running MJML server...
[+] Done!
static > ./fixtures/generate_fixture.py email
Writing /home/c03/Work/static/fixtures/build/default_email_templates.json

Receipt templates are written in html and converted to PDF by flow.


static > ./fixtures/generate_fixture.py receipt
Writing /home/c03/Work/static/fixtures/build/receipt_templates.json

Django fixtures

Django fixtures can be generated from the html files for both email and receipt html templates. Use the generate_fixture.py script in the fixtures folder.

Email variables

Note: Variables for specific emails are written as comments in the emial mjml files

Variable name Description
{{ due_date_extended }} Original due date + 27 days
{{ invoice_number }} invoice number
{{ invoice_amount }} Invoice amount
{{ company_name }} Name of seller company
{{ payer_company_name }} Name of payer company
{{ outstanding_balance }} Invoice amount + late fee 100 kr.
{{ payment_reg_number }} reg number for incoming payments
{{ payment_account_number }} account number for incoming payments
{{ reminder_fee }} 100 kr. reminder fee
{{ due_date }} Invoice due date
{{ signee_name }} Signee name for seller company
{{ approved_customer_name }} Company name for approved payer companies
{{ factoring_amount }} Invoice amount minus fee and VAT
{{ account_number }} four last digits on seller bank account
{{ fee_amount }} factoring fee amount in DKK
{{ vat_amount }} VAT amount in DKK
{{ total_fee_amount }} Factoring fee amount + VAT amount in DKK
{{ company_email }} The email address the company onboarded with

Receipt variables

Variable name Description
{{ company_name }} Name of seller company
{{ signee_name }} Name of signee of seller company
{{ company_street }} Street of seller company
{{ company_city }} city of seller company
{{ company_country }} Country of seller company
{{ company_crn }} CVR of seller company
{{ invoice_number }} invoice number
{{ factoring_amount }} Payout amount (invoice amount - fee & VAT)
{{ receipt date }} Date of creation of receipt
{{ receipt_number }} Receipt number
{{ fee_amount }} Amount of the credited fee
{{ vat_amount }} VAT of the credited fee
{{ vat_percent }} VAT percentage
{{ total_fee_amount }} Total amount of credit note (Fee+VAT)

Credit note variables

Variable name Description
{{ company_name }} Name of seller company
{{ company_street }} Street of seller company
{{ company_city }} city of seller company
{{ company_country }} Country of seller company
{{ company_crn }} CVR of seller company
{{ invoice_number }} invoice number
{{ date }} Date of creation of credit note
{{ fee_amount }} Amount of the credited fee
{{ vat_amount }} VAT of the credited fee
{{ vat_percent }} VAT percentage
{{ total_fee_amount }} Total amount of credit note (Fee+VAT)