
A deliciously simple gRPC client written in go, grpcake allows you test your gRPC client from the command line without stressing about writing correct raw json strings.


Usage of bin/grpcake:
  -body string
        JSON body
  -grpc-method string
        GRPC Method
  -import string
        Proto files to import
  -url string
        GRPC Server URL
        Try to use server reflection (default true)


Run in a terminal

make build

to bake your grpcake in bin/grpcake.


Using the test service in this repository

make run-test-server REFLECT=false

Change the value of REFLECT to true to run test server with reflection.

With reflection

By default, the app will use server reflection for proto discovery if no proto files are passed.

$ bin/grpcake --url localhost:6069 --grpc-method foo.ExampleService/UnaryExample \
long_field:=10 int_field:=1 float_field:=1.5 double_field:=2.5 bool_field:=true \
string_field="hello world" bytes_field="b25lcGllY2VraW5kYXN1Y2sK"

2023/04/25 12:46:00 request json body: %s {"long_field":10,"int_field":1,"float_field":1.5,"double_field":2.5,"bool_field":true,"string_field":"hello world","bytes_field":"b25lcGllY2VraW5kYXN1Y2sK"}
2023/04/25 12:46:00 Response:  {
        "intField": 1,
        "longField": "10",
        "floatField": 1.5,
        "doubleField": 2.5,
        "boolField": true,
        "stringField": "hello world",
        "bytesField": "b25lcGllY2VraW5kYXN1Y2sK"

Without reflection

If one or more .proto file paths are provided as an argument, the app will use them instead of server reflection.

$ bin/grpcake --url localhost:6069 --grpc-method foo.ExampleService/UnaryExample \
--proto internal/testing/proto/foo/example.proto \
long_field:=10 int_field:=1 float_field:=1.5 double_field:=2.5 bool_field:=true \
string_field="hello world" bytes_field="b25lcGllY2VraW5kYXN1Y2sK"

2023/04/25 12:46:00 request json body: %s {"long_field":10,"int_field":1,"float_field":1.5,"double_field":2.5,"bool_field":true,"string_field":"hello world","bytes_field":"b25lcGllY2VraW5kYXN1Y2sK"}
2023/04/25 12:46:00 Response:  {
        "intField": 1,
        "longField": "10",
        "floatField": 1.5,
        "doubleField": 2.5,
        "boolField": true,
        "stringField": "hello world",
        "bytesField": "b25lcGllY2VraW5kYXN1Y2sK"

Importing multiple protobuf files

The app supports importing statements inside protobuf files. These paths will be resolved using the values from --import-path flag. Import path default to the current directory.

$ bin/grpcake --url localhost:6069 --grpc-method bar.TestService/UnaryExample --import-path internal/testing/proto --proto bar/example.proto,foo/example.proto int32Field:=1 basicTypes.intField:=2
2023/05/15 08:35:09 request json body: {"int32Field":1,"basicTypes":{"intField":2}}
2023/05/15 08:35:09 Response: {
        "int32Field": 1,
        "basicTypes": {
                "intField": 2


Install go v1.20.3 (with goenv recommended) then install the necessary tools in bin/ with by running

make install-tools

To run example server

Using the test service in this repository

make run-test-server REFLECT=false

Change the value of REFLECT to true to run test server with reflection.

To regenerate example.proto files in internal/testing folder

make gen-testing-proto