
Play Framework plugin for Iron Cache

Primary LanguageScala

This repo has moved! Please go here for current version https://github.com/dipuce/iron-cache-play2

Iron Cache Plugin for Play 2.x



Add the following dependency to your build.sbt:

  lazy val ironCachePlugin = ProjectRef(uri("git://github.com/pussinboots/iron-cache-plugin.git"),"iron-cache-plugin")

  lazy val root = (project in file(".")).dependsOn(ironCachePlugin)

or for the Build.scala

  lazy val ironCachePlugin = ProjectRef(uri("git://github.com/pussinboots/iron-cache-plugin.git"),"iron-cache-plugin")

  val main = Project(appName, file (".")).dependsOn(ironCachePlugin)


To build from source, clone this repo and then build this project using SBT.

git clone https://github.com/tmwtmp100/iron-cache-plugin.git iron-cache
cd iron-cache
# Assuming play is on your path
sbt test


To use, first the default cache has to be disabled. Then your specific iron.io credentials must also be added. To do that, open the application.conf file and add a property:

# Disable Default Cache

#Iron Cache Properties

# Required. Get these settings from the iron.io dashboard
iron.token      = "<Your iron.io token>"
iron.project.id = "<Your iron.io project's ID>"

# Optional. If not specified, these values will be used instead.
iron.cache.host = "cache-aws-us-east-1"
iron.cache.name = "cache"

The plugin must then be activated by adding a line to the play.plugins file. If one has not be created yet, create one in the conf folder of your Play application. Add this line:


How to Use

The standard cache interface built into Play is now enabled and can be used normally.

    # Get a value

    # Set a value, set a value with an expiration time in milliseconds
    Cache.set("key", "value")
    Cache.set("key", "value", 3600)

    # Remove an item from the cache

In addition, Iron Cache has a few more capabilities built into its API. To use those:

    import com.github.tmwtmp100.cache.IronCachePlugin

    # Increment an integer value (Use negative values to decrement)
    play.api.Play.current.plugin[IronCachePlugin].get.increment("key", amount_to_increment)

    # Delete all items from the cache


1.0 First Stable Version. Added Maven repository for easy use.

0.2 Added LOTS of error checking. Implemented and tested the Iron specific functions.

0.1 Initial Version. Consider it very rough (no error checking).


If you like this plugin and want to contribute, feel free to submit a pull request!