
Leaflet Demo rewritten to Java via DukeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Leaflet Demo[http://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start.html] rewritten to Java via DukeScript[http://html.java.net]. Clone and then:

# prepare
$ mvn clean install 
$ cd l4jdemo

# run or debug on your desktop:
$ mvn exec:java

# run on your **Android** device
$ mvn -Pdlvkbrwsr package android:deploy android:run -Dandroid.sdk.path=...

# if you are on Mac OS X, run on your iPad simulator
$ mvn -Pibrwsr robovm:ipad-sim

to see the application. Check Main.java to see the initialization which basically consists of:

public static void onPageLoad(String... args) throws Exception {
    final Leaflet map = Leaflet.map("map");
    map.setView(new LatLng(51.505, -0.09), 13);
        "Map data &copy; <a href='http://openstreetmap.org'>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, " +
        "<a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/'>CC-BY-SA</a>, " +
        "Imagery © <a href='http://mapbox.com'>Mapbox</a>",
        new LatLng(51.508, -0.11), 500, "red", "#f03", 0.5
    ).bindPopup("I am a circle");
        new LatLng(51.509, -0.08),
        new LatLng(51.503, -0.06),
        new LatLng(51.51, -0.047) 
    ).bindPopup("I am a polygon");
    map.on(MouseEvent.Type.CLICK, new MouseListener() {
        public void onEvent(MouseEvent ev) {
            map.openPopup(ev.getLatLng(), "You clicked the map at " + ev.getLatLng());

Fork and improve the Java leaflet bindings. Or fork and design your own Java wrappers around your favorite JavaScript library as described at http://bits.netbeans.org/html+java/0.8.2/net/java/html/js/package-summary.html

Running inside of JavaFX Application

It is possible to include the browser widget inside of your existing JavaFX application. To see example of such approach, just type:

# prepare
$ mvn clean install 
$ cd l4jfxdemo

$ mvn exec:exec

This mode provides incremental migration approach and should be useful for those who already have an existing JavaFX application, but want to benefit from the power of leaflet4j APIs.