
Example of Mongock with GraalVM(workaround)

Primary LanguageJava

Example of workaround Mongock with GraalVM(Workorund)


Mongock currently doesn't provide official support for Graalvm. Although it will be officially supported in the next major release, there is a clear(and increasing) demand to have a solution in the short term.

This workaround tries to satisfies this need in the best manner possible.

Key points

  1. The ChangeUnitsList: You need to add all the ChangeUnits class you want to run(potentially, ase some of them may be already executed and will be ignored, as usual), as shown
    public static final List<Class<?>> changeUnits = Arrays.asList(
  1. The feature ChangeUnitsRegistrationFeature. You don't need to do anything, just be aware it exists as you will need it at the image's creation time
  2. .setLockGuardEnabled(false) in the builder.
  3. .sdkmanrc provided. If you are not using sdkman, please ensure you are using graalvm
  4. Ensure MongoDB is running


  • Build jar application with
./gradlew build 
  • build native image executable with
native-image --no-fallback \
--features=io.mongock.example.graalvm.ChangeUnitsRegistrationFeature \
--initialize-at-build-time=org.slf4j.simple.SimpleLogger,org.slf4j.LoggerFactory,org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder \
-jar  build/libs/graalvm-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • run executable with