
Spectron integration to functionally test Hadron Apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript

hadron-spectron Linux CI Windows CI


npm install --save-dev hadron-spectron


With Mocha, create an App instance in the before hook and launch it, and quit it in the after hook. For examples and more details, see Compass' functional test README.

const { App, selector } = require('hadron-spectron');

 * The path to the root of the application, as well as the electron app.
const ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..');

function addCustomCommands(client) {
  // Add custom commands to the client here.

function launchApp() {
  return new App(ROOT).launch(addCustomCommands);

function quitApp() {
  return app.quit();

describe('Functional Test', function() {
  let app = null;
  let client = null;

  before(function() {
    return launchApp().then(function(application) {
      app = application;
      client = application.client;

  after(function() {
    return quitApp(app);

chai-as-promised support is provided automatically as a convenience.


Apache 2.0