- 9
MongoDB replicaset with PS or PSS setup could not have arbiter added due to crashloop for goal state
#1615 opened by KarooolisZi - 2
Support Service Binding runtime
#1625 opened by gbaso - 0
Is there any reference where we can find the kubernetes compatibility versions for specific mongo operator?
#1642 opened by Sandhyaranitp - 0
Do not create a StatefulSet for Arbiters when spec.arbiters is not defined or set to 0.
#1641 opened by verdel - 4
MongoDBCommunity not using the `replicaSetHorizons` values to generate `Mongo Uri` resulting in `MongoNetworkError`
#1614 opened by MichaelKora - 3
[Feature Request] Enable Copying/Annotation of Generated Secrets to Additional Namespaces
#1522 opened by marcolongol - 0
How to change priority in 3 nodes cluster
#1639 opened by balait4 - 0
- 6
Feature Request: Add support for specifying imagePullPolicy for initContainers in MongoDB ReplicaSet CRD
#1626 opened by mahesh-kore - 1
[Bug] : Readiness probe failed: panic: open /var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/healthstatus/agent-health-status.json:
#1616 opened by shubham-cmyk - 0
Failed to start WiredTiger under any compatibility version, Mongo v5.0.23
#1637 opened by james-ro-williams - 0
Errors when scaling down mongodb
#1635 opened by Olliewer - 3
[query] about use this operator in our business
#1628 opened by ma-is-horse - 5
Unable to skip CA certificate in TLS config
#1617 opened by marnixbouhuis - 0
An error is reported when creating an operator: Failed to watch *v1. Secret: failed to list *v1. Secret: secrets is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:mongo-system:mongodb-kubernetes-operator" cannot list resource "secrets" in API group "" at the cluster scope
#1634 opened by txbxxx - 6
- 0
Need to change persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy
#1632 opened by lenglet-k - 0
Primary change periodically
#1629 opened by cybercoder - 2
- 20
Readiness probe failed: panic: open /var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/healthstatus/agent-health-status.json: no such file or directory
#1527 opened by prachiwaghulkar - 3
Publish the MongoDB community operator under OperatorHub
#1560 opened by lsoica - 3
mongo not working with external access
#1551 opened by sagarshrestha24 - 2
node had volume node affinity conflict
#1562 opened by AlissonRS - 9
Operator falsely errors and does not let to upgrade MongoDB cluster replicas
#1613 opened by KarooolisZi - 4
MongoDB Failed Status
#1552 opened by pseymournutanix - 3
Deploy a sharded cluster
#1535 opened by ifalex - 2
- 2
failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim
#1557 opened by zeitler - 2
Scaling beyond 7 replicas causes failure in MongoDB Kubernetes Cluster with Mongo Community Operator
#1553 opened by raihimanshu - 3
- 2
- 6
mongodb-agent never gets ready
#1514 opened by kennedyoliveira - 3 has wrong architecture of binaries
#1588 opened by camaeel - 2
- 2
Broken link in `latest` release notes
#1586 opened by vedantthapa - 4
- 7
Steps to upgrade from 4.4 to 6.0 via 5.0?
#1478 opened by prachiwaghulkar - 2
- 1
- 2
- 5
Deployment only works in the same namespace where the operator was installed
#1500 opened by rodrigobrito - 2
- 1
Operator fail to install Mongo 7.0.9
#1543 opened by alinalex1392 - 2
MongoDB Operator fails to identify caCertificateSecretRef
#1486 opened by natya-t - 3
Unable to connect to MongoDB (not authorized on admin to execute command)
#1482 opened by guptaashwanee - 6
How to schedule replicas and persistent volume in different availability zones
#1473 opened by sebinnsebastiann - 7
- 2
MongoDB 7.0 support
#1498 opened by mix4242 - 25
- 2
Is it possible to pass resources limits and requests on initContainers?
#1443 opened by prachiwaghulkar