
Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

RPC Service - Filesystem

This service provides an ability to manage device files remotely. It is required by the mos ls, mos get, mos put, mos rm commands. If this library is not included in the app, those commands won't work. It is possible to call this service programmatically via serial, HTTP/RESTful, Websocket, MQTT or other transports (see RPC section) or use mos tool.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/z5JltFNF_RE" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Below is a list of exported RPC methods and arguments:


Get device file list. Arguments: none.

Example usage:

mos call FS.List

This RPC command has a shortcut: mos ls:

mos ls


Same as FS.List but also returns extra file info like file sizes. Arguments: none.

Example usage:

mos call FS.ListExt
    "name": "mgos_ro_vars_schema.json",
    "size": 332

This RPC command has a shortcut: mos ls -l:

mos ls -l
api_adc.js 259
api_arch_uart.js 651


Returns file content. Arguments:

  "filename": "foo.txt",    // Required. Name of the file to fetch.
  "offset": 0,              // Optional. Offset to begin with.
  "len": 100                // Optional. Number of bytes to return.
                            // If this is too large, the call may fail with OOM.

Example usage:

mos call FS.Get '{"filename": "init.js"}'
  "data": "bG9hZCgnYXBpX2NvbmZpZ...",   # Base64 encoded data
  "left": 0                             # How many bytes left in a file

This RPC command has a shortcut: mos get:

mos get init.js


Write data into file. Write is done either by overwriting an existing content, or by appending to the existing content. Arguments:

  "filename": "foo.txt",    // Required. Name of the file to write to.
  "append": false,          // Optional. Overwrite or append.
  "data": "base64 text"     // Required. Data to write.

This RPC command has a shortcut: mos put. It splits large files into small chunks, and calls FS.Put sequentially, appending content.

mos put /etc/passwd foo.txt


Delete file. Arguments:

  "filename": "foo.txt"    // Required. Name of the file to delete

This RPC command has a shortcut: mos rm:

mos rm foo.txt


Create filesystem. Arguments:

  "dev_type": "spi_flash",          // Required. Filesystem driver name.
  "dev_opts": "...",                // Required. Device-specific options.
  "fs_type": "SPIFFS",              // Required. Filesystem type.
  "fs_opts": "{\"site\": 131072}"   // Required. Filesystem-specific options.

Example usage:

mos call FS.Mkfs '{"dev_type": "spi_flash", "dev_opts": "{\"freq\": 20000000, \"cs\": 0}", "fs_type": "SPIFFS", "fs_opts": "{\"size\": 131072}'


Mount filesystem. Arguments:

  "path": "/foo",           // Required. Directory name to attach to.
  "dev_type": "...",        // See FS.Mkfs above
  "dev_opts": "...",
  "fs_type": "SPIFFS",
  "fs_opts": "..."
mos call FS.Mount '{"path": "/mnt", "dev_type": "spi_flash", "dev_opts": "{\"freq\": 20000000, \"cs\": 0}", "fs_type": "SPIFFS", "fs_opts": "{\"size\": 131072}"}'


Unmout filesystem. Arguments:

  "path": "/foo"           // Required. Mount point to detach.
mos call FS.Mount '{"path": "/mnt"}'