
Initialize and run the app: npm install && npm start.


You should see some Jest tests. There are three suites of tests, one for each module (dates, numbers, strings). Each test suite contains three individual tests. The goal of this excercise is to make all of the tests pass. You can examine this repo in the following ways:

  • Look in test/index.test.js

    • The describe blocks represent each of the modules

    • The test functions describe the tests in question.. including a description of what the function should be doing

  • Look at the the dates, numbers and strings folders

    • These are your module folders. Each function in the module should correspond with one test function in test/index.test.js

    • Write your code below the comment in each function

The modules will be broken down below:


  • Complete the following functions in numbers/index.js:

  • isEven

    • Return a boolean that represents whether a given number is even
    • Hint: Modulus
  • Sum

    • Return a value that represents the sum of an array of numbers
    • Hint: Reduce
  • ComboSum

    • Determine if any combination of numbers in an array equals a given sum. Return a boolean
    • Hint: Loop in loop OR indexOf for diff


  • Complete the following functions in strings/index.js:

  • Split

    • Split a string on a given delimiter and return the resulting array
    • Hint: split
  • Pairs

    • Break a string into pairs of two characters each. Return the array of pairs
    • Hint: For loop, increment by 2
  • Reverse

    • Reverse the characters in a given string
    • Hint: split, reverse, join


  • Complete the following functions in dates/index.js:

  • Make sure to import moment at the top of the file

  • Refer to the moment.js docs:

  • Today

    • Return the name of current day. Ex. Monday, Tuesday, etc.
    • Hint: moment().format(?)
  • Calendar

    • Return the current date in the format: May 29, 2019
    • Hint: moment().format(?)
  • CurrentTime

    • Return the current time in the format: 03:21:51 PM
    • Hint: moment().format(?)

Final thoughts

You're app should have all of it's tests passing. Take a moment to reflect on your Node/NPM capabilities and begin pre-work for next class