- Copy code from Class Textbook.
- Have players on List of People.
- Create a template of dodgeBallPlayer adding canThrowBall, canDodgeBall, hasPaid, isHealthy, yearsExperience. Make sure to include name and id.
- Format button "Make Player" so onClick it moves player to Dodgeball players list and adds new value of "player" while removing from previous list.
- Define redTeammate and blueTeammate constructors with id, name, team color and mascot.
- Format button for red/blue team so user can click, adding player to either team and removing them from listOfPlayers array.
- Each teammate has mascot and color added to their name for their specific team.
- Ensure that players cannot be repeated.
- Players MUST BE REMOVED from previous lists.
- Include unit tests (minimum of 3.)