
Normalize nested data (Maps and Lists) based on id.

Primary LanguageElixir


When requesting data from web APIs or doing joins in Ecto, you will have to work with data that is deeply nested.

This package flattens the data into a top-level map.

There are two main requirements:

  • Every nested map must have a key called 'id'
  • The nested structure must use naive pluralization. To get the plural of a word just append 's' / to get the singular remove an 's'. So the plural of 'city' is 'citys'. You can easily modify this behaviour by changing inflector.ex.


data = %{
  user: %{
    id: 1,
    name: "Bob",
    memberships: [
        id: 1,
        project_id: 9,
        project: %{
          id: 9,
          name: "Bananas",
          type_id: 3,
          type: %{id: 3, label: "active"}
        user_id: 1


# Returns
# %{
#   users: [%{id: 1, name: "Bob"}],
#   types: [%{id: 3, label: "active"}],
#   memberships: [%{id: 1, project_id: 9, user_id: 1}],
#   projects: [%{id: 9, name: "Bananas", type_id: 3}]
# }

Run the tests with

mix test

If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add normalizer to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:normalizer, "~> 0.1.0"}]