Based off the Lighthouse Sinatra Skeleton. Live coding app to demo advanced sinatra features.
We are building an application for a company that sells books online. We are starting out with building the admin panel.
- generating dummy data
- ex: I want to be able to generate products and users quickly (not manually)
- how to run rake tasks on heroku
- tux
- ex: I want to see all the products in my database
- ex: I want to test out a model feature without using the UI. (create product validations)
- remember to reload if code changes
- assets and public folder
- ex: I want to use twitter bootstrap with my app
- layout
- ex: I want to add a nav bar to the products page
- ex: I want to have a different layout for my home page (no nav bar)
- view helpers
- ex: number_to_currency
- action helpers
- ex: current_user
- partials
- ex: I want to create an edit product page and reuse the form from the create product page, because the forms are identical
- flash messages
- ex: After I create a product, I want to see a message that tells me the product was created successfully.
- rendering json
- ex: I want to get a list of all products in JSON format for my API