
DEPRECATED Dockerized Elasticsearch for Zenoss Control Center (Docker orchestration tool)

Elasticearch Control Center template


Dockerized Elasticsearch cluster template for Zenoss Control Center

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  • Import provided template
  • Deploy Elasticsearch Application
  • Start and use it - default vhost elasticsearch

Adding nodes to the cluster

Simply edit the service and increase the number of instances in the Control Center UI. The new nodes will automatically join the cluster.

Compiling and adding the template

Add the service template to your Control Center installation:

serviced template compile Elasticsearch | serviced template add


Check if app is running:

[ccuser@ccmaster]# curl -sk --header 'Host: elasticsearch.local' '' | grep status
  "status" : "green",

If you can see this output in command line '"status" : "green",' and you are not able to see app in your browser, then you have some problem with DNS records/hosts file.


Devops Monitoring Expert, who loves monitoring systems, which start with letter Z. Those are Zabbix and Zenoss.

Professional devops / monitoring services:

[Monitoring Artist] (http://www.monitoringartist.com 'DevOps / Docker / Kubernetes / AWS ECS / Google GCP / Zabbix / Zenoss / Terraform / Monitoring')