
Official repository for Regular Expression Snippets Extension on VSCode

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Regex Snippets

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A VS Code Extension with a list of 50+ hand picked Regex Code Snippets to make lives of many Developers much easier.

Check it out here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Monish.regexsnippets

Why This Extension?

There are no extensions for Regular Expressions Snippets on the Marketplace right now, this extension provides the most commonly used Regex Snippets so that you don't have to memorize the difficult syntax which in turn reduces development time.

How Does It Work?

Method 1

  1. From the command palette Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (OSX)
  2. Type Insert Snippet then select Insert Snippet image
  3. Type ! and you will get the list of available snippets image

Method 2

  1. In the editor, type ! then hit Ctrl+Space
  2. Select the snippet you want, eg: !addlinktag image


The following table shows all the 50+ code snippets included within this extension

Sl No. Prefix Description Input Required
1 !valemail Email Address Validation N/A
2 !valhexcol Hexadecimal Color Validation N/A
3 !valpass Password Validation (1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 special) 2 Inputs: min and max length for the password
4 !valisbn ISBN Number Validation N/A
5 !valipv4 IPV4 Address Validation N/A
6 !valipv6 IPV6 Address Validation N/A
7 !valmmddyy Date Validation In mm/dd/yy format (Separator does not matter) N/A
8 !valmonddyyyy Date Validation In mon/dd/yyyy format (Ex: Jan/23/2001, Separator does not matter) N/A
9 !valmonth Month Validation (Both Full and Abbreviated Form, Ex: Jan(uary)) N/A
10 !extprice Extract Price Value from any string 1 Input: currency_symbol for the currency you want to use
11 !parehead Parse an Email Header to retrieve "To" address N/A
12 !valfbllink Check if the given Facebook Profile Link is valid N/A
13 !valcc Credit Card Validation (Does not check for fake numbers) Supported Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, and JCB N/A
14 !valusername Username Validation with minimum and maximum characters 2 Inputs: MIN_CHARS and MAX_CHARS
15 !exturl Extract URLs from a string N/A
16 !getiever Get the current Internet Explorer Version being used N/A
17 !valimage Validate image filenames (Remove/ADD extensions as required) N/A
18 !valcityabbr Validate City Names (Or any words) with First 2 letters abbreviated (Ex: India, IN) N/A
19 !valusphone US Phone Number Validation N/A
20 !valssn Social Security Number Validation N/A
21 !valhtmlcont Verify if the given string contains content between the provided html tags (Ex: <p>Hello</p>) 1 Input: tag_name for the HTML Tag you want to search for
22 !valhtmltag Validates if the given string has either a opening or closing HTML tag (Does not verify if the HTML Tag exists) N/A
23 !valtwitter Twitter Username Validation N/A
24 !valurl URL Validation N/A
25 !valgooglesyn Google Search Syntax Validation N/A
26 !extcssmedia Extract properties and values from CSS Media Queries N/A
27 !exthtmlcomms Strip all comments from a HTML Code Block N/A
28 !extcss Extract Individual CSS Properties from the given Code Block N/A
29 !extytid Extract Video ID from a valid Youtube Video Link N/A
30 !extimgsrc Extract image source links from HTML Image Tags N/A
31 !valbase64 Base64 String Validation N/A
32 !septhousand Seperates the digits in the string to thousand with commas N/A
33 !valchars Validate if the the string contains atleast one occurrence of the Character to be searched 1 Input: chars_to_be_searched
34 !valspaces Convert multiple spaces to single spaces between each word in a string N/A
35 !extsqrbracks Extract Square Brackets and the content between them N/A
36 !valalpnum Non-Alphanumeric Characters Validation N/A
37 !extlogs Extract native Javascript console and AngularJS $log log warn or info that are NOT comments / commented out N/A
38 !extbrackscont Extract all brackets and the content between them N/A
39 !addlinktag Adds Link Tags to all the strings that start with http or https (Full Function Provided) N/A
40 !findocurrences Provides a function to calculate the number of times the provided character(s) have appeared in the string (Returns 0 when no ocurrences found) 2 Inputs: string on which the match should be applied and string_to_search for the string to be searched for
41 !valuuidv1 UUID v1 Validation N/A
42 !valuuidv2 UUID v2 Validation N/A
43 !valuuidv3 UUID v3 Validation N/A
44 !valuuidv4 UUID v4 Validation N/A
45 !valuuidv5 UUID v5 Validation N/A
46 !extquotes Extracts any text between quotations (Works with nested quotes too) N/A
47 !splitnchunks Splits the given string to n-sized chunks even if its size is not an exact multiple 1 Input: end_size for chunk size
48 !valzip Zip Code(5 or 9 digits only) Validation N/A
49 !valendswith Check if the provided string ends with the given Character 1 Input: character which the string should end with
50 !extdomain Extract the domain from a valid URL string N/A
51 !tocamel Returns a function which converts the given string to camelCase 1 Input: string to be replaced
52 !valjwt Validates if the given string is a valid JSON Web Token (JWT) N/A
53 !valjson Validates if the given string is a valid Non-array JSON N/A
54 !valspecialusername Validates if the given string is in the form of test@test N/A
55 !multispace Replaces all the spaces in the given string with a single space N/A
56 !nonalphanumeric Replaces all the non-alphanumeric characters in the given string with a single space N/A
57 !blankline Validates if the given string is blank line N/A
58 !positiveint Checks if the given string is a valid positive integer N/A
59 !positivedecimal Validates if the given string is a valid positive decimal N/A
60 !positivedecimal1 Validates if the given string is a valid positive decimal with a single decimal digit N/A
61 !ssn Validates if the given string is a valid Social Security Number N/A
62 !valdate Validate if the given string is a valid date N/A
63 !replacefont Replaces all the font tags in the given string with a single space N/A


Requires VS Code Version 1.20.0 atleast

  1. Install Visual Studio Code 1.10.0 or higher
  2. Launch Code
  3. From the command palette Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (OSX)
  4. Select Install Extension
  5. Choose the extension
  6. Reload Visual Studio Code
  7. Optionally find the extension file here , launch VS Code , Goto the extensions tab click the 3 dots on top, Click install from VSIX File, Choose the downloaded file and done!


Any and every contribution to this repoitory is welcomed, if you would like to add new features, file a bug report or make contribution, please first create an issue using the appropriate template.


Monish Basaniwal