A Generic HTTP-based IPC bridge for Minetest.
MIT (c) 2024 monk
The HTTP server and language used server-side in this document is for Apache2's mod_lua. It can be switched out for any other setup.
For Apache httpd version 2.3 or later. It is highly recommend to use latest version with patch, which added support for Lua 5.4, and contains rather important Security patches.
It is not recommended that you use this module on a server that is shared with users you do not trust, as it can be abused to change the internal workings of httpd.
This package currently contains the bare minimum required to demonstrate functionality.
Include the following VirtualHost directives to an enabled site, by default it is 000-default.conf.
LoadModule lua_module modules/mod_lua.so
<Files "*.lua">
SetHandler lua-script
Add index.lua to the http document root folder. This is defaulted to /var/www/html/ in Debian. Below are two options:
-- Option 1:
--[[ Formatted 'data' field (see screenshot).
Not compatible with web browser. ]]
require "string"
function handle(r)
r.content_type = "text/plain"
if r.method == 'GET' then
'Date = "'..os.date("%x %X",r:clock())..'",',
'Host = "'..r.server_name..' '..r.banner..'",',
'Received = "'..r.protocol..' '..r.content_type..'",',
'ReplyTo = "'..r:headers_in_table().Name..'@'..r.useragent_ip..':'..r.port..'",',
'UserAgent = "'..r:headers_in_table()["User-Agent"]..'",',
'UserData = "'..r:headers_in_table().Userdata:gsub("\"","\\\"")..'"}'
return apache2.OK
-- Option 2:
--[[ Unformatted 'data' field, compatible with browser. ]]
function handle(r)
r.content_type = "text/html"
if r.method == 'GET' then
for i, n in pairs(r:headers_in_table()) do
r:puts(i.."-> ".. n.."\n")
r:puts("Hi Minetest, from Apache2")
return apache2.OK
Many example functions for mod_lua can be found in the docs linked at the end of this readme.
Enable the Lua module for Apache2:
$ sudo /usr/sbin/a2enmod lua
Enabling module lua.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
systemctl restart apache2
Start or restart Apache to apply the configurations
Include within your minetest.conf:
secure.http_mods = httptest
apache2_url =
Add httptest folder to your mods or worldmods folder, start Minetest server.
The chatcommand /apache [text]
sends an HTTP request to Apache httpd, and the reply is presented on-screen in formspec:
Congratulations! You now have a bridge connecting a Minetest server to an Apache HTTP server.