
Lambda FastAPI template

Primary LanguagePython

AWS FastAPI Lambda - Medium

Steps to follow for CICD setup:

  1. Create a new lambda project github repository by using aws-fastapi-lambda-template

  2. Clone new lambda project github repository into local machine (project name example: github-to-lambda)

git clone git@github.com:monk3yd/github-to-lambda.git
  1. Create virtualenv
pip3 install virtualenv

# This will create a new directory called myenv in your current directory, which contains a new Python environment.
virtualenv myenv

# create venv dir with specific version of Python taken from conda
virtualenv -p ~/anaconda3/bin/python3.9 venv

# This will activate the virtual environment and change your shell's prompt to indicate that you're using the new environment.
source myenv/bin/activate 
  1. Install required dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Useful for scripts configurations
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID="134284459147"
export AWS_REGION_NAME="us-east-1"
export PROJECT_NAME="github-to-lambda"
  1. Test API locally
uvicorn main:app --reload

See docs

  1. Package code
bash scripts/package-lambda.sh
  1. Upload code to S3
bash scripts/package-upload-to-s3.sh
  1. Create lambda function through AWS console, set handler as main.handler and set new role with basic lambda permissions.
python3 scripts/create_lambda.py
  • NOTE: if the AWS account is new we need to first run:
python3 scripts/create_iam_lambda_execution.py
  1. Update the lambda function to make sure it uses the packaged code from S3
bash scripts/update-lambda.sh
  1. Create REST API in API Gateway through AWS console

Now we need to configure the integration point for our request methods. To use a Lambda function as our integration point for ANY type of request (i.e., GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE, etc.), we will create a Method (to handle the root path) and a child Resource (to handle all child paths). We will configure them to handle any requests made to API Gateway by using the Lambda proxy integration [1].

  • Create method
  • Create resource
  1. Configure lambda function as a proxy to forward requests from API Gateway to Amazon Lambda

  2. Deploy API

Since our Lambda is now configured, we can deploy the API. We can name it dev stage. The deployment is crucial to make the Lambda function integration active.


See the AWS SAM developer guide for an introduction to SAM specification, the SAM CLI, and serverless application concepts.

Next, you can use AWS Serverless Application Repository to deploy ready to use Apps that go beyond hello world samples and learn how authors developed their applications: AWS Serverless Application Repository main page