A simple jQuery plugin to display current weather data for any location and doesn't get in your way. Now supports HTML5 GeoLocation!
- 1edBudapest, Hungary
- A973CFrance
- alessiofxRoma, Italy
- artlantisARTLantis Web Development & Design Studios
- celalo
- choyerPixolium
- chrisjmendezWeb3
- counteragentBeOriginal, TechToolBelt, SuperLame, SharpLead, ProperNerd
- ekinertacFreelance Developer
- fleeting@Monkee-Boy
- florentsoltTrustedOut
- florianbachmann
- Gavrisimo@snappykraken
- ginader@Google
- heliostaticTailscale
- jbachGermany
- jeffery-conceptable
- jmcgaha@happycog
- klapouchy
- lvgunstCreating better payments @mollie
- matthewpizza@etsy
- meancodeMeancode Media, LLC
- nclements
- odixon
- panckreouslos angeles
- pdeschenMontréal, Canada
- qazxsw99Taiwan
- rmhallFeasible Impossibilities @FILabs
- savage69kr
- sethvincentOlympia, WA
- sophy@ThemeCountry
- stanTokyo, Japan
- tapn2itSubvertical LLC
- vinzenzweberRoots Health
- vocino@facebook
- zaherg@darawish