
Docker image with php, pear, xdiff, pagespeed, apache and certbot. Based on ubuntu:bionic

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Docker image with php, pear, xdiff, pagespeed, apache and certbot. Based on ubuntu:bionic

Docker hub : monkeycompany/cebus

Github project : monkey-company/cebus

Global check

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FOSSA Status


  • STANDARD : php, pear, xdiff, pagespeed, apache, certbot
    • Last stable : monkeycompany/cebus:latest
    • Last testing : monkeycompany/cebus:testing
  • NGINX : php, pear, xdiff, pagespeed, nginx, certbot (Coming soon !)
    • Last stable : monkeycompany/cebus:nginx
    • Last testing : monkeycompany/cebus:nginx-testing
  • MULTI-THREADING : php-zts, pear, xdiff, pagespeed, apache, certbot, parallel (Coming soon !)
    • Last stable : monkeycompany/cebus:mt
    • Last testing : monkeycompany/cebus:mt-testing
  • MULTI-THREADING NGINX : php-zts, pear, xdiff, pagespeed, nginx, certbot, parallel (Coming soon !)
    • Last stable : monkeycompany/cebus:mt-nginx
    • Last testing : monkeycompany/cebus:mt-nginx-testing

Tag mechanism

Template : monkeycompany/cebus:[BUILD]-[VERSION]

Examples :

  • Version 1.2.3 for STANDARD : monkeycompany/cebus:std-1.2.3
  • Version 1.0.2 for MULTI-THREADING NGINX : monkeycompany/cebus:mt-nginx-1.0.2



  • DOMAIN : localhost domain for let's encrypt
  • EMAIL : admin@localhost email for let's encrypt
  • TZ : Europe/Paris timezone
  • SHFILE : /etc/apache2/file.sh additionnal script for cron or other
  • PAGESPEED : false install google pagespeed module apache
  • LIBMOD : re2c additionnal dependencies
  • APAMOD : cache,rewrite,ssl,headers apache2 modules
  • ADPMOD : autoindex apache2 disable modules
  • PHPMOD : bcmath,bz2,intl,gd,mbstring,mysql,zip php modules
  • PEAMOD : xdiff pear packages


  • Let's encrypt configuration : /etc/letsencrypt/
  • Apache configuration : /etc/apache2/
  • PHP configuration : /etc/php/
  • Apache webroot : /var/www/html/


  • HTTP : 80
  • HTTPS : 443


Quick start

Run the docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v ${PWD}/path/letsencrypt-conf/:/etc/letsencrypt/ -v ${PWD}/path/apache-conf/:/etc/apache2/ -v ${PWD}/path/php-conf/:/etc/apache2/ -v ${PWD}/path/www/:/var/www/html/ -e DOMAINS='example.com' -e EMAIL='admin@example.com' monkeycompany/cebus:latest command.

Step one

Create a docker-compose.yml file or import yaml in Rancher.

  image: monkeycompany/cebus:latest
    - '80:80'
    - '443:443'
    DOMAINS: 'example.com'
    EMAIL: 'admin@example.com'
    PAGESPEED: 'true'
    LIBMOD: 're2c'
    APAMOD: 'cache,rewrite,ssl,headers'
    APDMOD: 'autoindex'
    PHPMOD: 'bcmath,bz2,intl,gd,mbstring,mysql,zip'
    PEAMOD: 'xdiff'

    - ${PWD}/path/letsencrypt-conf/:/etc/letsencrypt/
    - ${PWD}/path/apache-conf/:/etc/apache2/
    - ${PWD}/path/php-conf/:/etc/php/
    - ${PWD}/path/www/:/var/www/html/

Step two

Run the docker-compose up command in the same directory.

Step three

Run the certbot --apache --non-interactive --agree-tos --email $EMAIL --domains $DOMAINS certonly command in the container.

Step four (For k8s, rancher)

If you use Kubernetes or Rancher, regenerate all the containers to apply the configurations in volumes.

Step five (Optionnal)

If you need cron or additionnal commands, use the variable SHFILE for define a path and make script file :)