Exceutes a ADO.NET procedure and spits out a CSV file

Primary LanguageC#


Exceute an ADO.NET stored procedure and return a CSV file.

A light wrapper syntactic sugar on top of CSV Helper project. Has simple interface for mapping betwen database column names and English column names and formatting too.

Sample use is like

var dt = DbMethods.FetchDataTable(
    DbMethods.GetParameter("02/01/16", SqlDbType.DateTime, "@DateFrom", 10),
    DbMethods.GetParameter("03/16/16", SqlDbType.DateTime, "@DateTo", 10)                

var renderOptions = new MyAdapterOptions
    NameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>()
        {"cov_adj", "Adjuster?"},
        {"total_res", "Total ? "},
        {"total_paid", "Total Paid "},
        {"total_var", "Total Variance "}
    FormatMap = new Dictionary<string, ITypeConverter>()
        {"total_res", new MyCurrencyFormatter()},
        {"total_paid", new MyCurrencyFormatter()},
        {"total_var", new MyCurrencyFormatter()},


var csvBytes = dt.ExportToCsv(renderOptions);

File.WriteAllBytes("C:\path\to\the.csv", csvBytes);

Also allows for base files with common mapping - in case you have to create csv for many procedures which follow the same column name and formatting requirements.

Why upload? Its a nice bit of code I enjoyed writing in a few hours.

Why write? I wanted an adapter to abstract away non-essential code - anything thats not non-business logic to produce the csv. It makes generating a csv from procedure kind of quick.