Hat-Box is a simple template for cutting out your own Hat sized protective box for your Hat add-on boards for the Raspberry Pi.

What are Hats?

'HATs' (Hardware Attached on Top) is a specification for add-on boards for the Raspberry Pi. This allows hardware makers the opportunity to have conform to a standard, compatible with the 40pin configuration for the Raspberry Pi (from model B+).

Basically it means a lot of your add-on boards that are called Hats will be the same size.

Now Hat-Box is supporting the new add-on size known as PHats (coined by Pimoroni)

Why do we need a box

I own a Hat with a lcd on top. With all the movement in my toolbox the screen got damaged. That sucked, so I wanted to find something to protect my boards. I looked at Tool boxes, craft boxes, bags and pouches. Nothing seemed to fit the size of the Hats and actually keep them separate.


So I made my own out of card!

How to make a Hat-Box

Simply download the file you need. There are in different heights that depend on what is on the hat.

Hat boards

PHat boards

If you have a suggestion for another size let me know ;-)

After downloading print out the template on a normal sheet of paper (A4). When printing remember to turn scaling off or leave at 100% from the print options. Scaling will not give you the correct size!

Cut out the template using a scalple/exacto knife.

Cutty Cutty

Get some card (250g is best but 130g is acceptable) and draw around the paper template so the shape is now on the card!


Cut out the card template.


Before you start folding! consider using the new cut out card template as a template and not fold it into the box. Then you can throw away the paper one and you have a more robust card template to make more Hat-Boxes. At least thats what I do.


Use a ruler to help fold the where you are supposed to fold. (If using the thicker card give the folds a bend both directions to loosen it up)

Glue the flaps at the corners if that tickles your fancy!

Put your Hat board in and enjoy!

Action Shots Action Shots


Don't worry I am not leaving you to guess what hats fit in which template. If the Hat you own is not on the list feel free to add it

Raspberry Pi



Special Edition: LEGO!

There is also a template for lego Hats... I mean Real lego Hats... for the tiny little lego heads!

Need I say more?
