Compilers Project

For this project, you need to install Java, Gradle, and Git. Please check the compatibility matrix for Java and Gradle versions.

Group 8A

NAME: Bruno Rosendo, NR: 201906334, GRADE: 20, CONTRIBUTION: 25%

NAME: Rui Filipe Teixeira Alves, NR: 201905853, GRADE: 20, CONTRIBUTION: 25%

NAME: João Mesquita, NR: 201906682, GRADE: 20, CONTRIBUTION: 25%

NAME: Tomás Vicente, NR: 201904609, GRADE: 20, CONTRIBUTION: 25%

Global Grade: 20


This project consists of a compiler for a subset of the Java programming language (referred to as JMM, which stands for “Java-minus-minus”), going through all the stages of compilation: Lexical Analysis, Syntactic Analysis, Semantic Analysis, High & Low level Optimization, and Code Generation.

The generated code can then be executed using Jasmin.

Semantic Analysis

This stage is responsible for validating the contents of the Abstract Syntax Tree. The following validations were implemented:

  • Type checking operations, assignments, methods' arguments and return values, array indexing, conditional expressions and nested dot expressions. (TypeCheckingVisitor class).
  • Verifying the existence of invoked functions, referenced variables, custom types. (ExistenceVisitor class).
  • Whenever the compiler detects a semantic error, it reports it, informing the line and column where it occurred, thanks to the AST annotation.

Note that the semantic verification of imported classes is assumed to be correct.

Code Generation

In order to ease the development of the compiler and to assure its modularity and robustness, the code generation is divided into multiple stages: AST optimizations, OLLIR generation, register allocation, and Jasmin code generation.

AST Optimizations

Regarding the AST, the following optimizations were implemented: constant propagation, constant folding, and dead code elimination (simple and advanced).

Constant Propagation and Folding

Before generating OLLIR code, the * ConstantPropagatorVisitor* replaces constant variables with their respective values. Similarly, the ConstantFolderVisitor computes operations with constant values, to eliminate unnecessary instructions.

public int f(int x, int y) {
    int z;
    int w;
    z = 100 / 20;
    // z is propagated inside the if and else blocks
    if (x < y) { w = x + z; }
    else { w = y - z;}
    y = z; // z was not modified, so it can still be propagated
    return w;
.method public f(x.i32, y.i32).i32 {
    z.i32 :=.i32 5.i32;
    if (x.i32 <.bool y.i32) goto ifbody_0;
    w.i32 :=.i32 y.i32 -.i32 5.i32;
    goto endif_0;
    w.i32 :=.i32 x.i32 +.i32 5.i32;
    y.i32 :=.i32 5.i32;
    ret.i32 w.i32;

Dead Code Elimination (Advanced)

Eliminating dead code can significantly reduce the generated code size and, in some cases, improve execution time by eliminating needless tedious calculations and avoiding costly memory accesses. For this reason, we removed redundant conditional checks on if/while statements, as well as assignments whose results are not used (preserving possible side effects).

This is done in the DeadConditionalLoopsVisitor and DeadStoreRemoverVisitor classes.

Simplifying Boolean Expressions and Operations

Whenever boolean or arithmetic expressions can be simplified at compile-time, we can reduce the number of instructions and execution time by replacing them with constants, which is done in the * BooleanSimplifierVisitor* and * NeutralAbsorbentOperationsVisitor*classes.

For example, the following snippets of code can be simplified (ignoring other optimizations):

int x; int y; boolean b;

x = 1 * y;
x = 0 + y;
x = y * 0;
x = y / 1;
x = y - 0;

b = 1 < 2;
b = 1 < 2 && 4 < 3;
b = (x < y) && !(y < x); // x < y && x >= y
b = (!(x < y) && !(y < x)) && !(!(y < x) && !(x < y)); // x == y && x != y
b = false && (x < y);
b = (x < 10) && true;

if (!(x < y));
if (!(x < y) && !(y < x));
if (!(!(x < y) && !(y < x)));


x.i32 :=.i32 y.i32;
x.i32 :=.i32 y.i32;
x.i32 :=.i32 0.i32;
x.i32 :=.i32 y.i32;
x.i32 :=.i32 y.i32;

b.bool :=.bool true.bool;
b.bool :=.bool false.bool;
b.bool :=.bool x.i32 <.bool y.i32;
b.bool :=.bool false.bool;
b.bool :=.bool false.bool;
b.bool :=.bool x.i32 <.bool 10.i32;

if (x.i32 >=.bool y.i32) goto ifbody_0;
if (x.i32 ==.bool y.i32) goto ifbody_1;
if (x.i32 !=.bool y.i32) goto ifbody_2;

Ollir Generation

In this stage, the AST is converted to the OLLIR (Optimized Low-Level Intermediate Representation) format, which is done in the OllirBuilder class. The strategy for this stage was to recursively iterate the AST (visitor pattern) for the code generation and for the optimizations. The * OllirVisitor*, which is responsible for generating OLLIR code, generates temporary variables whenever they are necessary.

At this stage, another optimization is performed to remove unnecessary jumps: replacing some while loops with do-while loops.

Do-While statements

Whenever the condition for a while loop can be statically determined to be true on the first iteration, it can be replaced with a do-while loop, reducing the number of jumps.

Example of a regular while statement:

if_icmplt whilebody_0
goto endwhile_0
    invokestatic io/println(I)V
    iinc 1 1
    if_icmplt whilebody_0

Example of a do-while statement:

    invokestatic io/println(I)V
    iinc 1 1
    if_icmplt whilebody_0

Register Allocation

To define the number of allocated registers, we start by checking if the received number of registers is valid:

  • if the number is -1, then we use the maximum number of local variables of all methods (AllocateRegisters).
  • if the number is 0, then our code determines the minimum number of registers required, by iterating from 0 to a valid number (AllocateRegisters).

If the number is a positive number, then we proceed to calculate the registers. We start by making a dataflow analysis, by:

  • Building the successors, in, out, def and use parameters for each method (DataflowAnalysis).
  • Computating the backward Liveness Analysis, which sets up the in and out of each method (DataflowAnalysis).
  • Calculating the live range for each defined variable (DataflowAnalysis).
  • Calculating the conflicts/interference between variables, storing it in a HashMap for each variable. (DataflowAnalysis).

After that, we construct the Interference Graph and proceed to color it by:

  • Iteratively pushing to the stack the nodes with degree (number of edges) lower than the number of registers (GraphColoring).
  • Iterating the stack and assigning an available color (register) to each node (GraphColoring).

If there is no register available, then we report an error with the minimum number of JVM local variables required (AllocateRegisters).

Jasmin Generation

The final step of this compiler is to generate Jasmin code, which we then use to execute the program with the Jasmin library.

The optimization done in the Jasmin stage were related to the use of optimized instructions for loading/storing constants and local variables, incrementing variables, comparisons, and conditional statements.

Optimized JVM Instructions

While generating Jasmin code, there are often many ways of getting the same result. However, different instructions perform better in different situations, so it was important to identify them and choose the instructions accordingly:

  • Right type of load/store (e.g. aload 1 vs aload_1).
  • Right way of loading constants to the stack (iconst_m1, bipush, ldc, etc.).
  • Using iinc when incrementing a register.
  • Choosing the right type of if to minimize instructions. (e.g. use ifeq when comparing to zero but use if_icmpne when comparing two values in the stack).
  • Other instructions with minor impact.

Optimizing conditional statements

In addition to simplifying boolean expressions and statically evaluating branch conditions, it is relevant to optimize those that can only be evaluated at runtime. For that, four techniques are employed: lookupswitch statements, tableswitch statements, replacing intermediate jumps, and negating conditionals.

Replacing intermediate jumps

Considering the following Java code:

public int ifElseifElse(int x, int y) {
  int r;
  if (x > y) {r = y - x;}
  else if (x < y) {r = x - y;}
  else {r = 0;}
  return r;

In order to write this code in JMM, we would need to replace the else if block with an if statement inside the else block:

public int ifElseifElse(int x, int y) {
  int r;
  if (x < y) {r = 10;}
  else {
    if (y < x) {r = 20;}
    else {r = 0;}
  return r;

This would correspond to the OLLIR code:

.method public ifElseifElse(x.i32, y.i32).i32 {
  if (x.i32 <.bool y.i32) goto ifbody_1;
  if (y.i32 <.bool x.i32) goto ifbody_0;
  r.i32 :=.i32 0.i32;
  goto endif_0;
  ifbody_0: r.i32 :=.i32 y.i32 -.i32 x.i32;
  endif_0: goto endif_1;
  ifbody_1: r.i32 :=.i32 x.i32 -.i32 y.i32;
  ret.i32 r.i32;

Looking at the intermediate representation, we can see that when both conditions are false, two jumps are performed (goto endif_0 -> goto endif_1). The jasmin code would then be:

.method public ifElseifElse(II)I
  # ... if condition
  if_icmplt ifbody_1
  # ... else if condition
  if_icmplt ifbody_0
  # ... else body
  goto endif_0
  ifbody_0: # ... else if body
  endif_0: goto endif_1
  # ... if body
.end method

To avoid this inefficiency, when generating the final Jasmin code, goto statements that jump to another goto statement are replaced with a goto statement that jumps to the final destination:

.method public ifElseifElse(II)I
  # ... if condition
  if_icmplt ifbody_1
  # ... else if condition
  if_icmplt ifbody_0
  # ... else body
  goto endif_1
  ifbody_0: # ... else if body
  endif_0: goto endif_1
  # ... if body
.end method

Taking advantage of the new boolean operators introduced, the following Java code:

public int Switch(int x, int y) {
  int r;
  r = switch (x) {
    case 1 -> 10;
    case 2 -> 20;
    default -> 0;
  return r;

written in JMM as:

public int nestedEqualsSwitch(int x) {
  int r;
  if (!(x < 1) && !(1 < x)) {r = 10;}
  else {
    if (!(x < 2) && !(2 < x)) {r = 20;}
    else {r = 0;}
  return r;

can be rewritten in OLLIR as:

.method public nestedEquals(x.i32, y.i32).i32 {
  if (x.i32 ==.bool 1.i32) goto ifbody_1;
  if (x.i32 ==.bool 2.i32) goto ifbody_0;
  r.i32 :=.i32 0.i32;
  goto endif_0;
    r.i32 :=.i32 20.i32;
  goto endif_1;
    r.i32 :=.i32 10.i32;
  ret.i32 r.i32;

Now, we can recognize that nested if/else statements comparing the same variable to an integer value actually correspond to the original switch statement. The JVM offers two ways to implement a switch statement: lookupswitch and tableswitch. These differ in the fact that a lookupswitch will look up the value of the switch variable in a table of values, while a tableswitch will binary search the value of the switch variable in a table of ranges, providing an efficient lookup.

Tableswitch statements

When the nested if/else statements correspond to a switch statement with a contiguous set of values, the generated code will use a tableswitch statement. Beginning with:

public int continuousSwitchCase(int x) {
  int r;
  if (!(x < 1) && !(1 < x)) {r = 1;}
  else {
   if (!(x < 2) && !(2 < x)) {r = 4;}
   else {
    if (!(x < 3) && !(3 < x)) {r = 9;}
    else {
     if (!(x < 4) && !(4 < x)) {r = 16;}
     else {
      if (!(x < 5) && !(5 < x)) {r = 25;}
      else {
       if (!(x < 6) && !(6 < x)) {r = 36;}
       else {
        if (!(x < 7) && !(7 < x)) {r = 49;}
        else {
         if (!(x < 8) && !(8 < x)) {r = 64;}
         else {r = 0 - 1;}}}}}}}}
  return r;

We end up with the Jasmin code:

.method public continuousSwitchCase(I)I
  .limit stack 2
  .limit locals 3

  tableswitch 1 8
  default: default_switch_0
  # Labels for the switch cases...
.end method

If the switch statement is not contiguous but the gaps are not too large, the tableswitch statement can still be used, replacing the missing values with the default branch target:

public int continuousSwitchCaseWithSmallHoles(int x) {
  int r;
  if (!(x < 1) && !(1 < x)) {r = 1;}
  else {
    if (!(x < 3) && !(3 < x)) {r = 9;}
    else {
     if (!(x < 4) && !(4 < x)) {r = 16;}
     else {
      if (!(x < 6) && !(6 < x)) {r = 36;}
      else {
       if (!(x < 7) && !(7 < x)) {r = 49;}
       else {r = 0 - 1;}}}}}
  return r;
.method public continuousSwitchCaseWithSmallHoles(I)I
.limit stack 2
.limit locals 3
  tableswitch 1 7
  default: default_switch_0

  # Labels for the switch cases...

.end method
Lookupswitch statements

When the set of switch values is too sparse, the lookupswitch statement can be used.

 public int sparseSwitchCase(int x) {
  int r;
  if (!(x < 10) && !(10 < x)) {r = 1;}
  else {
   if (!(x < 20) && !(20 < x)) {r = 4;}
   else {
    if (!(x < 30) && !(30 < x)) {r = 9;}
    else {
     if (!(x < 40) && !(40 < x)) {r = 16;}
     else {
      if (!(x < 50) && !(50 < x)) {r = 25;}
      else {
       if (!(x < 60) && !(60 < x)) {r = 36;}
       else {
        if (!(x < 70) && !(70 < x)) {r = 49;}
        else {
         if (!(x < 80) && !(80 < x)) {r = 64;}
         else {r = 0 - 1;}}}}}}}}
  return r;
.method public sparseSwitchCase(I)I
    .limit stack 2
    .limit locals 3

    10: ifbody_7
    20: ifbody_6
    30: ifbody_5
    40: ifbody_4
    50: ifbody_3
    60: ifbody_2
    70: ifbody_1
    80: ifbody_0
    default: default_switch_0

    # Labels for the switch cases...

.end method
Inverting conditions

Inverting if/else conditions can have an impact on the performance of the program, by reducing the number of jumps when executing it, especially when the else statement is empty.

For example, this is the code for a regular and simple if statement:

if_icmplt ifbody
    goto endif
    invokestatic ioPlus/printHelloWorld()V

Independently of the condition returning true or false, we always need a jump, to the ifbody or to the endif. If we invert the if statement, the code becomes:

if_icmpge endif
    invokestatic ioPlus/printHelloWorld()V

In this case, we only need to jump if the conditions returns false!

In order to do the optimization accordingly, it's necessary to negate the condition without using more instructions and to change the order of instructions executed.


  • The group did everything the specification asked for.
  • The code follows a modular organization with intuitive design patterns.
  • The compiler has many optimizations, including some which weren't specified by the teachers.
  • Friendly error messages, indicating the line and column where the error occurred.


  • Assuming, in the type checking, that if the type is from an imported class or method then it works without any errors.
  • The OLLIR generated code sometimes has repeated types (e.g. temp2.i32.i32). This isn't an issue in execution, thus the bug was ignored so the group could focus in more important things.
  • Missing indentation in the generated code.

Project setup

There are three important subfolders inside the main folder. First, inside the subfolder named javacc you will find the initial grammar definition. Then, inside the subfolder named src you will find the entry point of the application. Finally, the subfolder named tutorial contains code solutions for each step of the tutorial. JavaCC21 will generate code inside the subfolder generated.

Compile and Running

To compile and install the program, run gradle installDist. This will compile your classes and create a launcher script in the folder ./build/install/comp2022-00/bin. For convenience, there are two script files, one for Windows (comp2022-00.bat) and another for Linux (comp2022-00), in the root folder, that call tihs launcher script.

After compilation, a series of tests will be automatically executed. The build will stop if any test fails. Whenever you want to ignore the tests and build the program anyway, you can call Gradle with the flag -x test.


To test the program, run gradle test. This will execute the build, and run the JUnit tests in the test folder. If you want to see output printed during the tests, use the flag -i (i.e., gradle test -i). You can also see a test report by opening ./build/reports/tests/test/index.html.

Checkpoint 1

For the first checkpoint the following is required:

  1. Convert the provided e-BNF grammar into JavaCC grammar format in a .jj file
  2. Resolve grammar conflicts, preferably with lookaheads no greater than 2
  3. Include missing information in nodes (i.e. tree annotation). E.g. include the operation type in the operation node.
  4. Generate a JSON from the AST

JavaCC to JSON

To help converting the JavaCC nodes into a JSON format, we included in this project the JmmNode interface, which can be seen in src-lib/pt/up/fe/comp/jmm/ast/ The idea is for you to use this interface along with the Node class that is automatically generated by JavaCC (which can be seen in generated). Then, one can easily convert the JmmNode into a JSON string by invoking the method JmmNode.toJson().

Please check the JavaCC tutorial to see an example of how the interface can be implemented.


We also included in this project the class src-lib/pt/up/fe/comp/jmm/report/ This class is used to generate important reports, including error and warning messages, but also can be used to include debugging and logging information. E.g. When you want to generate an error, create a new Report with the Error type and provide the stage in which the error occurred.

Parser Interface

We have included the interface src-lib/pt/up/fe/comp/jmm/pt.up.fe.comp.parser/, which you should implement in a class that has a constructor with no parameters (please check src/pt/up/fe/comp/ for an example). This class will be used to test your pt.up.fe.comp.parser. The interface has a single method, parse , which receives a String with the code to parse, and returns a JmmParserResult instance. This instance contains the root node of your AST, as well as a List of Report instances that you collected during parsing.

To configure the name of the class that implements the JmmParser interface, use the file

Compilation Stages

The project is divided in four compilation stages, that you will be developing during the semester. The stages are Parser, Analysis, Optimization and Backend, and for each of these stages there is a corresponding Java interface that you will have to implement (e.g. for the Parser stage, you have to implement the interface JmmParser).

The testing framework, which uses the class TestUtils located in src-lib/pt/up/fe/comp, has methods to test each of the four compilation stages (e.g., TestUtils.parse() for testing the Parser stage).

In order for the test class to find your implementations for the stages, it uses the file that is in root of your repository. It has four fields, one for each stage (i.e. ParserClass, AnalysisClass , OptimizationClass, BackendClass), and initially it only has one value, pt.up.fe.comp.SimpleParser, associated with the first stage.

During the development of your compiler you will update this file in order to setup the classes that implement each of the compilation stages.