
Automating living room IR devices

MIT LicenseMIT

ANAVI pHAT - IR automation


send IR signals to configure media devices to various presets:

preset HDMI switch projector A/V receiver
off off off off
Chromecast (video) 1, 2.1 on on, "Dolby II (Movie)"
Chromecast (audio) 1, 2.1 off on, "Ext. Stereo"
Switch 3, 2.1 on on, "Dolby II (Game)"
PS4 4, 5.1 on on, "Direct Surround"

For off/on signals (which are the same signal), the pHAT should also listen for these and keep track of the device's state, even if it did not issue the signal. Likewise, the A/V receiver cycles through a series of surround sound settings.

There should be some quick way to recalibrate the rPI's record of the devices' states when they get out of sync (e.g. the device receives a signal that the pHAT misses, or a device's hardware buttons are used, or there is a power outage).

