
Verus Smart contracts

Primary LanguageSolidity

Ethereum Verus contracts

Before compilation an account at https://infura.io/ is needed to allow you to connect to the Ethereum network.

Create a new Ethereum project and choose rinkeby netowork and get a link that looks like this:

https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/015d792415a734560cd5dbdfeb4 (Dont use this one its invalid)

Then edit the file truffle-config.js and edit the infura endpoint, also add in your private key to the private key variable.

To compile all run:

npm install
npm install -g truffle@5.3.14
truffle compile
truffle deploy --network rinkeby   

copy files from ./build/contracts

VerusSerializer.json VerusProof.json VerusNotarizer.json VerusInfo.json verusBridge.json

To Alan's sub directory directory/abi (these are the Abi files)


truffle networks

to get a list of the contract addresses:

goto your /Verustest/pbaas/veth/veth.conf file and copy in the contract addresses from the above list into the appropriate fields.

Also copy the VerusBridge Contract address into the index.js of the VerusWebsite Dapp, to update that address.

Update 11th May 2022

  • Truffle version must be no newer than 5.3.14
  • Set contracts TokenManger.sol must be initialized with setContracts() after its updated.