
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



The verusid-ts-client library is a TypeScript client designed to utilize VerusID functionality in a lite client, providing functionalities for creating and verifying digital signatures, handling login consents, managing VerusPay invoices, and more, using VerusID's blockchain technology.


To add verusid-ts-client to your project, use the following command with yarn:

yarn add https://github.com/VerusCoin/verusid-ts-client.git


  • VerusID Interface: Main class providing methods to interact with VerusID.
  • Blockchain Interaction: Functions to get current blockchain height and chain ID.
  • Message and Hash Signing: Methods to sign messages and hashes with VerusID signatures.
  • Login Consent Handling: Tools to create, sign, and verify VerusID login consent requests and responses.
  • VerusPay Invoice Management: Functions to create, sign, and verify VerusPay v3 invoices.


Initializing the VerusID Interface

import VerusIdInterface from 'verusid-ts-client';
import { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';

const config: AxiosRequestConfig = {/* Axios configuration */};
const verusIdClient = new VerusIdInterface('root-system-currency-id', 'http://your-verusd-node.com', config);

Signing a Message

async function signAMessage() {
  const message = "Hello, Verus!";
  const iAddrOrIdentity = "VerusID@";
  const primaryAddrWif = "yourWIFhere";

  try {
    const signature = await verusIdClient.signMessage(iAddrOrIdentity, message, primaryAddrWif);
  } catch (error) {

Verifying a Message Signature

async function verifyAMessageSignature() {
  const base64Sig = "signatureInBase64";
  const message = "Hello, Verus!";
  const iAddrOrIdentity = "VerusID@";

  try {
    const isValid = await verusIdClient.verifyMessage(iAddrOrIdentity, base64Sig, message);
    console.log(isValid ? "Valid signature" : "Invalid signature");
  } catch (error) {

Handling Login Consent

Creating and signing a login consent request:

import { LoginConsentChallenge } from 'verus-typescript-primitives';

async function createAndSignLoginConsent() {
  const challenge = new LoginConsentChallenge(/* Challenge details */);
  const signingId = "VerusID@";
  const primaryAddrWif = "yourWIFhere";

  try {
    const request = await verusIdClient.createLoginConsentRequest(signingId, challenge, primaryAddrWif);
  } catch (error) {

Verifying a login consent request:

async function verifyLoginConsent() {
  const request = /* previously created request */;

  try {
    const isValid = await verusIdClient.verifyLoginConsentRequest(request);
    console.log(isValid ? "Valid request" : "Invalid request");
  } catch (error) {

Creating VerusPay Invoices

import { VerusPayInvoiceDetails } from 'verus-typescript-primitives';

async function createVerusPayInvoice() {
  const details = new VerusPayInvoiceDetails(/* Invoice details */);
  const signingIdIAddr = "VerusID@";
  const primaryAddrWif = "yourWIFhere";

  try {
    const invoice = await verusIdClient.createVerusPayInvoice(details, signingIdIAddr, primaryAddrWif);
  } catch (error) {


Contributions to verusid-ts-client are welcome! Please refer to the project's issues page for proposed features and bug reports. Follow the contribution guidelines for pull requests.