
Primary LanguageCommon LispOtherNOASSERTION

mon-systems Description

MON utils agglomerated.

Known to compile on SBCL 2.4.6

mon-cl-systems dependencies:

SPLIT-SEQUENCE STRING-CASE ALEXANDRIA CL-PPCRE FLEXI-STREAMS IRONCLAD SALZA2 CHIPZ CLOSER-MOP CFFI UIOP OSICAT :cl-fad ;; :NOTE This is likely to be deprecated in favor of osicat/uiop which provides most of same. :local-time


shell> git clone https://github.com/monkpearman/mon-systems-cl.git

start sbcl from emacs or shell

CL-USER> (push asdf:*central-registry* (push #P"/parent/dir/where/you/put/cl-repos/mon-cl-systems/"            asdf:*central-registry*)

CL-USER> (quicklisp:quickload :mon :verbose t :explain t)

CL-USER> (in-package :mon)

CL-USER> ... Hacks and Glory Await ... 

System Breakdown

File specials.lisp

Special Variables, Constants, and convenience macros for binding them. Aslo, includes functions for adding docstrings.

File types.lisp

Common type definitions; simple and compound.

File macros.lisp

Common macro idioms, culled from variouis sources.

File File-io.lisp

Functions and with sytle macros for frobbing files and file streams.

File environ.lisp

Functions for inspecting and frobbing the system and lisp envirionment.

File char-numeric.lisp

This file exists for the sole purpose of segregating char-numeric=' from the rest of the system. We do this b/c on SBCL %char-numeric=' is defined with significant optimizations and if any portion of this file is changed we will get a restart at compile-time. IOW unless specifically editing `%char-numeric=' do your edits elswhere!

File chars.lisp

Character frobbing, inspection, and introspection utilities.

File seqs.lisp

Sequence related utilities.

File class-utils.lisp

Class frobbing, inspection, and introspection utilities.

File numbers.lisp

"Number" frobbing utilities.

File plist.lisp

Property list frobbing utilities.

File alist.lisp

Association list frobbing utilities.

File hash.lisp

Hash-table frobbing, inspection, and introspection utilities.

File strings.lisp

String frobbing, inspection, and introspection utilities.

File introspect.lisp

Utilities for frobbing, inspecting, and introspecting symbols, function definitions, keywords, packages.

File bit-twiddle.lisp

Utilities for bit twiddling.

File arrays.lisp

Utilities for working with arrays.

File file-dir.lisp

Utilities for frobbing, inspecting, and introspecting on files, directories, namestrings, and pathnames.

File io.lisp

Utilities for reading/writing wth streams and cl:print- variables.

File chronos.lisp

Utilities for time related operations.

File regexp.lisp

Utilities for working with regular expressions and string frobbing.

File format.lisp

Utilities for working with CL:FOMRAT.

File compose.lisp

Utilities for functional composition.

File conditions.lisp

Some condition definitions for better error handling.

File class-doc.lisp

Utilities for class documention.

File docs.lisp

A revamp of sb-texinfo for documentation generation.

File loadtime-bind and loadtime-bind.lisp

File laodtime-bind adds a reader conditional #+/-:IS-MON-P it is read at system loadtime and allows conditionalizing code according to the environment.

File laodtime-bind.lisp actualizes the conditionalizing per above.