- shadowsocks-libev
- ipset
- iptables
- dnsutils
- dnsproxy
- haveged
sudo pacman -S shadowsocks-libev ipset iptables dnsutils haveged
aurman -S dnsproxy
Only tested on Arch Linux
curl -skLo /tmp/archss.sh https://github.com/monlor/Arch-Router-SS/raw/master/archss.sh
chmod +x /tmp/archss.sh
/tmp/archss.sh install
sudo rm -rf /opt/archss
sudo rm /lib/systemd/system/archss.service
cat> /etc/netctl/hooks/archss <<EOF
ExecUpPost="systemctl start archss"
ExecDownPre="systemctl stop archss"
chmod +x /etc/netctl/hooks/archss
systemctl enable archss
Bypassing the Great Firewall of China by setting up a transparent proxy, using Shadowsocks-libev and iptables.