
向consolas字体中添加微软雅黑的字体,sublime-text中粗体、斜体显示正常,并且不会和系统内置的Consolas冲突。增加了powerline 字符。



This is a Customed "Consolas" Font, Keep all Latin characters of Consolas,and added Chinese Characters of Microsoft Yahei. Forked from Consolas-with-Yahei

This version patched the font with proper powerline characters to enhance terminal experiences.

Different From "Yahei Consolas Hybrid"

This font is called "Consolas-with-Yahei" (Keep all original characters of Consolas and Complete CJK Characters with YaHei), it will not overwrite the default fonts in your system.

Screen Shots:



Additonal Tips:

Created by FontCreator

powerline characters patched with ryanoasis/nerd-fonts

Patch description is here