IMPORTANT NOTE FOR WINDOWS USERS: You have to ensure that the scripts have Unix line endings or Docker won't be able to run them in the image. If you have modified the files on Windows, you can manually open the *.sh files with Sublime Text, go to the option VIEW->Line Endings-> UNIX and save the file. More informations in the link.
cd docker/ethereum-go/
docker build . -t golang-1-14-4:alpine
cd /node-miner/scripts
chmod 777 ./
cd ..
docker-compose up --scale ethereum-node=3
cd /network-public
chmod 777 ./fulls/scripts/
chmod 777 ./lights/scripts/
chmod 777 ./miners/scripts/
cd ..
docker-compose up --d
docker exec -it <container name> /bin/sh
Sync modes
You can start Geth in one of three different sync modes using the --syncmode "<mode>" argument that determines what sort of node it is in the network.
These are:
Full: Downloads all blocks (including headers, transactions, and receipts) and generates the state of the blockchain incrementally by executing every block.
Fast (Default): Downloads all blocks (including headers, transactions and receipts), verifies all headers, and downloads the state and verifies it against the headers.
Light: Downloads all block headers, block data, and verifies some randomly.