
Workshop with k8s and ethereum

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Workshop with k8s and ethereum

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About Byzantium Hard Fork and Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs)

With Byzantium Hard Fork blocks can conduct parallel processing of multiple transactions. Communicates transaction status in successive blocks this help ethereum`s blockchain to process transactions faster as compared to previously.

Parallel processing will also help create parallel blockchains or second layer solutions ( similar to bitcoin`s Lightning Network) that might further expedite processing. For example, the team which are resposible for Ethereum Blockchain, is already at work on second layer to ether`s blockchain called Plasma.

And much more was implemented and enhanced the performance. It also highlights the decrease in the reward when a block is mined from 5 to 3, this is done so that it is possible in the future to switch to the Proof of Stake algorithms and when that happens the transactions approved by nodes should receive a highest number of coins.