- alexkay@substackinc
- alfishePA, USA
- andres-asmPolygon
- AzureKitsune
- bl8Luxembourg
- bond-os
- ChnochUniversity of Berne
- codedemonukBushey, UK
- CodyNottType One, LLC
- craighynd
- davidrothFusonic GmbH
- dotnetdude
- DynalonFreelance Contractor
- euphoriaChicago, IL
- Giganoid
- HasIssues@BuildInTheCloud
- JackneillEvotrex
- jacobstanley@hedgehogqa
- jiangzhhhh
- jtorres@microsoft
- kumaryu
- martindedererDarmstadt
- MGAndreasenDenmark
- miculiFinland
- MustafaUzumcuCom
- pretzelfisch
- RAOF@CanonicalLtd
- rglLisbon, Portugal
- schaelleRaiffeisen Schweiz
- seuffert
- slmingolSomewhere in the contintental US
- TilmannBachDeutsche Telekom
- vasseurjb
- venliongChengdu, Sichuan, China
- webmongerScreenmedia
- zauberertyZürich