
Language files for Giada Loop Machine.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is the official repository of Giada langmap files. A langmap is a JSON file containing translation strings used for localization. Langmap files reside in your configuration directory, or more precisely:

  • Linux — /home/[your_user]/.config/giada/langmaps/;
  • macOS — /Users/[your_user]/Library/Application Support/Giada/langmaps/;
  • Windows — C:\Users\[your_user]\AppData\Giada\langmaps.

How to install a langmap file

Download the zip archive and uncompress it in the langmap folders seen before. Giada will look into those directories on startup. If the files are valid langmap files they will be listed in the Configuration window, Misc section.

Contributing to a new translation

Clone this repository, make a copy of the original english.langmap file, save it as [your-language].langmap and then translate the strings in it. Please open a new Pull Request when you are done.

Few things to keep in mind while translating strings in a langmap file:

  • always save the langmap file in UTF-8 format;
  • some strings may contain special characters such as \n (line break) or {} (formatting placeholder). Keep those special characters in place, Giada might crash otherwise.

For more information, please refer to the official documentation.