
Converts files between PPM P3 and PPM P6 formats. Other PPM formats are not supported.


ppmrw target_format input_filename output_filename
  • target_format: 3 or 6, the type of PPM file to output
  • input_filename: the filename of the file to convert (the program autodetects the PPM format of the input file)
  • output_filename: the filename of the file to create


Converts my_image.ppm to the PPM P3 format and saves it to my_image_ppm3.ppm

ppmrw 3 my_image.ppm my_image_ppm3.ppm


This project contains CLion project files with a CMake build system, or, alternatively, you can use make with the provided makefile.


Simply open CLion in the root directory and open the project, you can set the build configuration how you like, and use CLion to build and run the project


The provided make file provides only a few targets


Cleans and then builds ppmrw in the project root's /bin/ directory.

make build


Builds ppmrw in the project root's /bin/ directory. This target will fail if the /bin/ or /obj/ directories do not exist. This target also does not clean these folders.

make ppmrw


Removes the directories generated by the build command. This is automatically run by the build target.

make clean