
🐪🐪 Demonstrations of various features of Apache Camel, mostly accompanied by unit tests, for your delight.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Tested with Camel version Project licence Egg Status


Some demos and tests for Apache Camel! Please enjoy!

These are intended to be used with the articles and tutorials at tomd.xyz.

See also my book, Camel Step-by-Step: A beginner's guide to Apache Camel.

Thanks, Tom.


If you get strange missing class errors, make sure you're compiling with the latest parent POM: mvn clean install -f parent/pom.xml.

In this repo

  • simple-tests - Quick demos of Camel functionality implemented using Camel's test framework. Lift and shift the Camel route definitions into your own applications!
  • examples - Complete example applications which demonstrate specific use cases and platforms.
  • spring-boot-tests - Tests specifically using Spring Boot.