
Generate a customizable styled QRCode worked in NodeJS/Browser with TypeScript supported

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Styled QRCode

Generate a customizable styled QRCode worked in NodeJS/Browser with TypeScript supported.


# Using npm
npm install sqrc

# Using yarn
yarn add sqrc

# Using pnpm
pnpm add sqrc


const qr = new QRCode('https://github.com/monodyle/sqrc')
qr.render() // image buffer



  • Type: ErrorCorrectionLevel (L | M | Q | H)
  • Default: H

Error correction level


  • Type: number
  • Default: 150

Size (width and height) of the output render


  • Type: number
  • Default: 10

The gap between image edge and QR code content


  • Type: string | QRColorGradient (CSS color value string)
  • Default: #000

Color of the foreground content


  • Type: string | QRColorGradient (CSS color value string)
  • Default: #fff

Color of the background image


  • Type: 'square' | 'dots' | 'rounded' | 'extraRounded' | 'classy'
  • Default: squares

Style of the QR modules


  • Type: number

Gap between QR modules (worked for moduleStyles with values: 'square' | 'dots')


  • Type: string

URL string of the logo in the center of QR


  • Type: number

Logo width


  • Type: number

Logo height


  • Type: number

Padding around logo


  • Type: 'square' | 'circle'

Style of the QR padding


  • Type: QREyeCornerRadius | [QREyeCornerRadius, QREyeCornerRadius, QREyeCornerRadius]

The corner radius for the QR eyes


  • Type: QREyeColor | [QREyeColor, QREyeColor, QREyeColor]

The color for the qr eyes

Eyes Type explaination

QREyesOptions is an object type that may have two properties: radius and color. Both properties can either take single values or an array of three values, each corresponding to a different "eye" of the QR code.

type QREyesOptions = {
    | QREyeCornerRadius
    | [QREyeCornerRadius, QREyeCornerRadius, QREyeCornerRadius]
  color?: QREyeColor | [QREyeColor, QREyeColor, QREyeColor]

type QREyeColor = string | QRInnerOuterEyeColor
type QRInnerOuterEyeColor = {
  inner: string
  outer: string

type QREyeCornerRadius =
  | number
  | [number, number, number, number]
  | QREyesInnerOuterRadius
type QREyesInnerOuterRadius = {
  inner: number | [number, number, number, number]
  outer: number | [number, number, number, number]

The eyes.radius property can take values of type QREyeCornerRadius, which determines the roundness of the 'eyes'. It can be a single number, an array of four numbers (in order: top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left), or an object with inner and outer properties, each being a number or an array of four numbers.

Same with the color property, it can take values of type QREyeColor, which determines the color of the eyes. It can be a string specifying a color or an object with inner and outer properties, each being a string specifying a color.

Example (output is the image on the right):

new QRCode('https://github.com/monodyle/sqrc', {
  size: 480,
  background: '#f2f1eb9f',
  foreground: '#3e3232',
  eyes: {
    radius: [
      [48, 48, 8, 48],
        outer: [48, 8, 48, 8],
        inner: [0, 48, 0, 48]
      { inner: 4, outer: 100 }
    color: [
        inner: 'blueviolet',
        outer: 'indigo'
        inner: '#071952',
        outer: '#0c134f',
