
IntelliJ support for the CUE language.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CUE Language Support

CUE Language support for the IntelliJ platform, https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/16126-cue.


The CUE plugin is compatible with any JetBrains IDE 2020.3 or later. Only IntelliJ-based IDEs are supported, i.e. it's incompatible with ReSharper.


Please note that this plugin is in an early state.

  • Complete support for the current language specification
  • Syntax highlighting with settings
  • Code folding
  • Brace matching
  • Formatting with cue fmt
  • Language injection


Formatting of CUE files with cue fmt is supported.

Please make sure that cue is available in $PATH. If the executable can't be found, then no content is modified.

Only complete files can be supported. If content is selected before invoking the format action, then no content is modified.


The application settings allow to configure the path to the cue binary. You can download it at github.com/cuelang.

Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Please report your issues at github.com/monogon-dev/intellij-cue.


  • Java JDK 11 is required


Development is best in IntelliJ IDEA.

The following plugins are required for development:


After a build, the plugin is available as a ZIP file at build/distributions/.

Building with tests:

./gradlew clean build

Building without tests:

./gradlew clean build -x test


You could build the plugin (see above) and install it into your IDE of choice. Alternatively, you can run the plugin in a sandbox:

./gradlew runIde


The lexer is generated by JFlex. The definition is at src/grammar/cue.flex.

The following command regenerates the lexer:

./gradlew generateLexer


The parser is generated with JetBrains' GrammarKit. GrammarKit is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. The definition is at src/grammar/cue.bnf.

To update the parser and all related classes, open the cue.bnf file in your IDE and choose Generate Parser in the context menu of the editor.

Useful Link


© 2021 Nexantic GmbH / Monogon