
An app that gets your SparxMaths done natively, fast and free. Also remembers bookwork codes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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SparxMaths Solver

SparxSolver is a Gauthmath scraper which uses Playwright to upload questions and get answers simultaneously.

SparxSolver varunaditya.xyz Demonstration


Go to the releases section on the right and follow the instructions.

Mac Installation & Usage Video → https://t.ly/g9OAx
Windows Installation & Usage Video → Coming Soon


In SparxSolver, to get answers from past answers with their bookworks (labels), scroll to the bottom of the page with answers, click the Previous Answers button, and a gallery with all your answers from the session will be shown. EVERY TIME YOU REOPEN THE APP THIS WILL CLEAR.

Reloading wrong questions

On hovering a question, a 🔄 icon will apper in the bottom right of the image. Click it, and as it flashes, it is reloading the question. It will replace the wrong (old) image in the Previous Answers.

For developers

If you want to copy or use my code for a website, discord bot, or other project, please credit me and my website (varunaditya.xyz).
To build the app, make sure node/npm/npx is installed. Then navigate to the folder's directory. Then run these in terminal:

npm i
cd app
npm i
npm start

Look at the package.json in the root directory for other commands.

Help / Credits

If you need help, email me at me@varunaditya.xyz. If you want coding help, do the same.
I coded this by myself with no help from others. If you have a fix/improvement, send a pull request.