
Change theme of scite on the run from a set of base16 ones

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Scite Theme

Change theme of scite on the run from a set of base16 ones

Note: Files in the schemes directory have their own licenses (mostly MIT)
scite_themes/schemes/base16: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16#scheme-repositories
scite_themes/schemes/daylerees: https://github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes

How to Use

Copy the 'scite_themes' directory under $(SciTEUserHome),
Add the contents of '.SciTEUser.properties' to your user properties,
Restart SciTE.
You can use Ctrl+K and Ctrl+L to cycle through themes.
You can use Ctrl+J to switch back to the theme defined in your user properties.