Conway's Game of Life implementation and functions to display it on a led matrix screen using Raspberry Pi
The main implementation is in You can use it like so:
import cgol
The library mostly works with two-dimensional arrays of 0s and 1s representing the world state.
glider2 = cgol.get_next_grid(cgol.glider)
displays the state on stdout and clears the screen between frames
cgol.get_next_state(cell, neighborhood)
is the core function that implements the rules of Game of Life. It decides whether a cell will live, depending on its own state and its neighbors'.
cgol.get_neighborhood(grid, width, height, pos)
get the neighborhood of a cell at a given position
8x8 array initialized to contain one glider.
8x8 array initialized to contain a beacon pattern.
8x8 array containing a diehard pattern.