
Packages for scripting shells in Go.

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Package shexec lets one script a command shell in Go as if a human were running it.

The package separates the problem of orchestrating shell execution from the problem of generating a shell command and parsing the shell's response to said command.

This package hides and solves the first problem (via Shell), and makes the latter easy to do via Go implementations of Commander.



sh := NewShell(Parameters{
	Params: channeler.Params{Path: "/bin/sh"},
	SentinelOut: Sentinel{
		C: "echo " + unlikelyWord,
		V: unlikelyWord,
assertNoErr(sh.Run(timeOut, commander1))
// consult commander1 getters for whatever purpose,
// optionally use the results to define commander2.
assertNoErr(sh.Run(timeOut, commander2))
// consult commander2, etc.
assertNoErr(sh.Stop(timeOut, ""))


Shell behavior

A shell is any program that accepts newline terminated commands, e.g. bash, and emits lines of output on stdOut and stdErr.

The purpose of a shell, as opposed to a single-purpose program that doesn't prompt for commands, is to allow state that endures over multiple commands. The state contains things like authentication, authorization, secrets obtained from vaults, caches, database connections, etc.

A shell lets a user pay to build that state once, then run multiple commands in the context of that state.

Commands influence commands

There must be an opportunity to examine the output of command n before issuing command n+1.

The choice of command n+1 or its arguments may be influenced by the output of command n.

Command generation and parsing best live together

The code that parses a command's output should live close to the code that generates the command. The parser should have access to command arguments and flags so that it knows what's supposed to happen.

All a Go author need do is implement the Commander interface, then pass instances of the implementation to the Run method of a Shell. When a Run call returns, the Commander instance can be consulted. A commander can offer any number of methods yielding validated data acquired from the shell; it can be viewed as a shell visitor.

A Commander can be tested in isolation (without the need of a shell) for its ability to compose a command and parse the output expected from that command.

Unreliable prompts, unreliable newlines, and command blocks

A human knows that a shell has completed command n and is awaiting command n+1 because they see a prompt following the output of command n. Usually, but not always, the prompt is on a new line.

But in a scripting context, prompts with newlines are unreliable.

When running a shell as a subprocess, e.g. as part of a pipe, the shell can see that stdIn is not a tty, and won't issue a prompt to avoid pipe contamination.

Sometimes command output can accidentally contain data that matches the prompt, making the prompt useless as an output delimiter.

Sometimes a shell will intentionally suppress newline on command completion, e.g. base64 -d, echo -n.

Most importantly, sometimes a user wants to inject a command block, multiple commands with embedded newlines, as a single unit, not caring to know when individual commands in the block finish. Only the whole set matters. This can happen when blindly executing command blocks from some unknown source, e.g. fenced code blocks embedded in markdown documentation.

For these reasons, a Shell cannot depend on prompts and newlines to unambiguously distinguish the data from commands n-1, n and n+1 on stdOut and stdErr.

So instead of relying on prompts or newlines, Shell relies on a Sentinel.



A Shell demands the existence of a sentinel command for stdOut.

Such a command

  • does very little,
  • does it quickly,
  • has deterministic, newline terminated output on stdOut.


$ echo "rumpelstiltskinOut"

Commands that print a program's version, a help message, and/or a copyright message are good candidates for sentinel commands on the stdOut stream.

The unambiguously recognizable output of a sentinel command called the sentinel value.

A Sentinel holds a {command, value} pair.


Likewise, a Shell needs a sentinel command for stdErr.

This command differs from the stdOut sentinel only in that its output goes to stdErr.


$ echo "rumpelstiltskinErr" 1>&2

Command results

The outcome of asking a shell to run a command is one of the following:

  • crash - shell exits with non-zero status.
  • exit - shell exits with zero status.
    If this happens unintentionally, it's treated as a crash.
  • timeout - shell fails to finish the command in a given time period.
    The shell is assumed to be unusable, and should be killed.
  • ready - shell runs the command within the given time period and is ready to accept another command.
    The command can be consulted for whatever results it parsed and saved.