
snippets from github

Primary LanguageGo


Reports GitHub activity about specific users over a common period of days.


To get recent data for user thockin from github.com:

snips thockin > /tmp/snips.html

The report is emitted as HTML to stdout.

A one-liner to render to chrome on ubuntu:

snips {args} | google-chrome "data:text/html;base64,$(base64 -w 0 <&0)"

Use --md to get markdown instead.

To get data from a GitHub enterprise instance at Acme Corporation for several users during September 2020:

snips \
    --gh-domain github.acmecorp.com \
    --day-start 2020-Sep-01 \
    --day-count 30 \
     alice bob charlie > /tmp/snips.html

The time period is measured in days. It can be specified using any two of the following flags: --day-start, --day-end, and --day-count. The default day-end is today. The default day-count is 14.


Install the go tool.

Assure that your PATH includes the value of $(go env GOPATH)/bin.


go install github.com/monopole/snips@latest

GitHub Authentication

An OAuth device flow for the given --gh-domain is triggered when either

  • the --just-get-gh-token flag is present,
  • or both the shell variable GH_TOKEN and the --gh-token override flag are empty.

This command

export GH_TOKEN=$(snips --gh-domain github.acmecorp.com --just-get-gh-token)

sets GH_TOKEN, allowing subsequent snips usage to skip prompting for a password.

If the OAuth flow fails for some reason (e.g. this program has no clientId for the --gh-domain being used), then try the instructions for obtaining a classic token. In that flow, select these scopes:

 [x] admin/read (to see organization membership)
 [x] repo (to see pull requests)
 [x] user (to see public info about the user)

A classic token may be used with the --gh-token flag as if it had been created via the OAuth device flow.

Protect this classic token like a password. During creation, give it an expiration period, and/or delete it after use at the token settings page.