
Disrupt a email infrastructure

šŸ“© Disrupt the Mail!

This is a first draft for mail system disrupt. Support it.

The problems:

This planet needs a new mechanism for sending and receiving emails. We need a new format for email that fully meets the needs of modern developers. There's no need to kill the e-mail principle. You just need to update it and make it beautiful again.

1. Really slow

if you have a service with a millions of users ā€” sending emails is a big pain. Just imagine mail servers communicate through chat! It's ridiculous in 2020. You can't send all emails. You have to wait every email send.

2. Spam

The old mechanism allows you to send a spam! We have to replace it with a new one that will not allow spam at the server level (just without any of anti-spam tools).

3. Š”omplicated

If you sent mails you know it. You have to properly make the email (mime types, utf8 etc) You have to properly sign it with DKIM etc. You have to properly configure all servers, etc. This is a nightmare for developers who just want to send a valid emails to users.

The Solution

This is written for those who already know how mail, smtp, postfix, sendmail etc. works. For those who have set up servers and sent messages.

1. JSON everywhere

We need a modern and cool format. You need a format that's fun to play with. So there's no misunderstandings. Totally for people.

  • Markdown support (it could be the best safe email format)
  • Any categories with some official: news, newsletter, invoice, confirmation (email for example), ticket, ads (why not), etc
  • Files (any files, base64, links etc)
  • Call to actions (pay, unsubscribe etc.)
  • ID (like chats),
  • Unix/Epoch dates everywhere

Simple example: You have json envelope with 2 fields only

  • Email (all fields) *required
  • Signature (hash of Email all fields) *required
    "id": "newsletter.june.2020.first.6334342",
        "name": "Lynda Newman", 
        "email": "lynda@mailfoundation.org"
    "to": {
        "name": "Dennis Roman", 
        "email": "denins@jason.com"
        {"name": "Dennis Roman", "email": "denins@jason.com"},
        {"email": "mike@senthy.com"},
        {"email": "a@senthy.com"},
    "subj": "UTF8 subject by default",
    "created": 1597221012,
    "text":"some text body",
    "markdown": "## Some markdown body",
    "html": "<b>Some HTML Body</b>",
        {"name":"image.jpg", "type":"image/jpg", "body":"wf1b27OWudu...Ogp+mmUf5mo"},
        {"name":"doc.pdf", "type":"document/pdf", "link":"https://apple.com/nice.pdf"}

2. No MX records

The main reason is to give a more flexible server structure. To simplify the development of electronic mail.

  1. For each domain you have to write a SRV records in DNS. Servers to accept mail together with ports. No required 25, 2525, 487 etc ports. Use any ports you want.
mail		IN	SRV	10 10 9999 mail.nice.com //server to accept mail from clients
mail		IN	SRV	10 10 9999 //server to accept mail from clients
  1. signature for every mail (a public key for domain ā€” such as DKIM)
mailkey. IN TXT "k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSq...KblfgE68m0X90riYKwe1kDhWt7wIDAQAB" //signature for every mail

3. HTTPS instead any other

Any developer could write a HTTP server. Since the new format is JSON, all communication between servers can pass through simple POST requests. This is simple and clear.

Each mail server that accepts mail has only one official endpoint:


So if your mail server IP is your server have to accept all emails on POST

or if your server is newmail.nice.com your server have to accept all emails on POST https://inbox.nice.com/

Host: inbox.nice.com
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 256

{"email":"...", "signature":{...}}

That's it! There's no need to complicate things. Any server that wants to send an email must send a POST request to that address with the email.

4. Simple Email clients

To receive mail you just need to send a request to the server with the necessary data and get everything you need from it. A more flexible system than POP, IMAP, etc. Because it is possible to develop one universal format of communication between servers. Will be soon. Suggestion welcome.


I would like to live in a world where e-mail exists but is not a pain for developers. I am sure we can implement this concept in the near future as an alternative to classic e-mail servers. Users will not even notice.

You could support the idea with a stars here or on change.org(just kidding)


I realize that a lot of people have enough of what they already have. But it's not a substitute for email. It's an improvement.

The old mail will work as before. But the preference will be for the new format as the main one. If the new format is not yet made on the server, the classic method will be used. This is the main idea.



How do you stop spam again? Emails feel slow, but they really aren't Email is actually simpler than HTTPS, HTTPS is just more widely known and is well abstracted away. Email storage, retrieval and re-delivery on failure are some other important aspects that you need to consider.

I don't want to completely stop spam. It's just impossible. I want to make it much harder. And also to allow you to send me spam legally in a special "Ads" category, for example. Let the spam be allowed and civilized. Maybe a special kind of view etc. I come from the fact that forging a private key is very difficult. But any message in the new version must be signed with a public key in the DNS domain. That is exclude a "light" spam in general (without domains, legal servers, etc.). If you are sending spam from your server/domain, it is very easy to get you and take some antispam action (ban etc).I'm sure you can reduce spam very much.

About a transports. Sure HTTPS is not a simpler then SMTP for example. But HTTP(tcp) you can improove (speed, quality etc) but not a classic mail transport. Thats an idea. To reduce a entrance level for developers. Users don't care about it. But developers does. And come on. This is a really old methods to communicate between users;)

With a new way you can develop your own storages, methods to delivery user emails. You have to use a required methods for mail clients. But you free to develop your own protocols and other useful tools like "corporate mail pull".



I dream of it every time I have to work with email. Feeling almost forced to use a ā€œEmail as a Serviceā€. I had an idea that all emails has to be pulled by the recipient, heh, pull-mails. Emails are addressed and created locally to said recipient(s), preferably encrypted at rest with public keys which is received on subscription by the recipient, but itā€™s sort of opt-in if I want it or not. In other words, you could ā€œsubscribeā€ to your companies server, an online community, a specific persons server or maybe a global-ish public server - but as soon as you feel thatā€™s not an appropriate venue anymore, just stop pulling (ie. unsubscribe). Aah, to be young and wishful!


I find this interesting. I have been tinkering with a similar idea. I would stick with SRV records for listing the servers that will accept messages. That is what they are designed for. For the post location, I would use a /.well-known/ address (rfc5785). And wholeheartedly +1 markdown, though I would specify (CommonMark).