Mongo VS Postgres - Large-table performance comparison

This is a simple benchmark that tests how quick Postgres and MongoDB can concurrently read and write records to a table/collection that has at least 100M records in it.

This kind of benchmark is important to show which DB performs better as an event log store - think thermostat readings, or when a user (dis)connected to a chat room, and similar events that just get logged and never updated.

"But why not go for InfluxDB/TimescaleDB/Clickhouse?" I hear you ask. I don't want to add unnecessary complexity if I don't have to. Having a new DB that I have to learn to use and maintain is something I'd like to avoid given the size of my team. The only reason I'm looking into Mongo is because I have an expert in-house.


To run the benchmark execute

docker compose run -it --rm app ./benchmark

While you can run this locally, my suggestion is that you rent out a VPS and let the benchmark run there over night. This is very taxing on your SSD and renting a VPS gives you a consistent comparison platform.

There are many configuration options that you can pass to ./benchmark. To see them pass --help. They allow you to configure the concurrency and size of the read-write test, the base size of the database-under-test, define which tests to perform against which database instances, and more.


Here are a few things I have learned while performing this benchmark. Watch out for them when running you own:


The following are the results of this benchmark with the test cases defined in cases.yml. (reference the docker-compose.yml file to see the individual DB configs).

Test cases:

  • cluster_mongo - tests how MongoDB performs with journaling enabled. I can't use a database that can lose 1min of data, or one without a hot-standby or read-replica.
  • optimized_postgres - tests how PG performs when configured to use the same amount of resources as MongoDB.
  • mongo - tests how the stock MongoDB config compares to the one with journaling enabled.
  • async_postgres - tests how fast PG write performance can go if 100ms of data loss is acceptable.


AWS m7a.large





Please remember that all benchmarks are bullshit. What is important to me might not be important to you.

I'm interested in how these databases perform when there are 100M+ records in a table. If a DB is super performant with 1-5M records that isn't of much use to me since my dataset has 500M records currently and is growing.

I didn't test partitioning because I'd just go with Postgres or MariaDB then no matter how large the performance difference would be. As I said, having one DB to look at and maintain is much easier for me than having two.

Other people's benchmarks & other relevant link