HackHouse NYC Hackathon Instructions

  1. Star the Monosi repository: https://github.com/monosidev/monosi

  2. Join the Monosi Slack: https://monosi.dev/slack. Post any questions in the contributing channel or send a DM over to Kevin & Ivan.

  3. To get started with the project locally, follow https://docs.monosi.dev/docs/contributing/local-development

  4. For access to an example database, ask Ivan for credentials.

  5. Find an issue labeled good first issue in the Monosi repository that you would like to help with https://github.com/monosidev/monosi/issues. Alternatively, you can open an issue about a bug or enhancement in Monosi that you want to solve.

  6. Leave a comment on the issue that you plan to solve so other collaborators know that you've picked it up and started working on it.

  7. Edit code in your forked repository. When ready for review, open a Pull Request into the base Monosi repository merging into the develop branch.