
Ask Alexa about the Ethereum network status: gas price, confirmation wait time, average block time, current block number, a recommendation about transaction fee and the Ethereum price in USD, EUR, and CNY.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ethereum Weather Station

Ask Alexa

Ask Alexa about the Ethereum network status: gas price, confirmation wait time, average block time, current block number, a recommendation about transaction fee and the Ethereum price in USD, EUR, and CNY.

Available commands:

Alexa, run Ethereum Weather Station.

Will return information about current network status:

  • Weather type based on current Ethereum network load;
  • Average gas price and wait time;
  • Average block time;
  • Last block number;
Alexa, ask Ethereum Weather Station about network statistic.

Will return the Ethereum network statistic for the last 1500 blocks:

  • Number of full and empty blocks;
  • Highest and cheapest gas price;
Alexa, ask Ethereum Weather Station about the Ethereum price.

Will return current Ethereum price in USD, EUR, and CNY.

Alexa, ask Ethereum Weather Station about fees.

Will return information about current fees in the Ethereum network:

  • Safe Low gas price and waiting time;
  • Average gas price and waiting time;
  • Fast gas price and waiting time;
  • Fastest gas price and waiting time;

Data Source

Based on ETH Gas Station API.