8-bit ISA CompactFlash interface + Boot ROM (two separate functions that can be used individually).
Documentation for the switches can be found on the rear silkscreen. More ROM I/O addresses are possible than the information on the silkscreen. See below.
Design uses schematic from Sergey Kiselev, with a few small changes to switches, and PCB from scratch.
XT-IDE Universal BIOS
Use the latest working binary that includes XTIDECFG.COM (config utility), ide_xt.bin (8086/8088), ide_xtp.bin (80186/V20/V30 and up).
SW1 - ON: ROM Enabled; OFF: ROM Disabled
SW2 - ON: EEPROM Write Enabled; OFF: EEPROM Write Disabled
SW3 - ROM I/O Port:
123 ROM
111 C0000
111 C2000*
110 C4000
110 C6000*
101 C8000
101 CA000
100 CC000
100 CE000*
011 D0000 < Default
011 D2000*
010 D4000
010 D6000*
001 D8000
001 DA000*
000 DC000
000 DE000*
111 E0000**
111 E2000***
110 E4000**
110 E6000***
101 E8000**
101 EA000***
100 EC000**
100 EE000***
011 F0000**
011 F2000***
010 F4000**
Settings marked with asterisks require solder-jumpers to be opened:
Settings marked with * require JP1 to be opened.
Settings marked with ** require JP2 to be opened.
Settings marked with *** require both JP1 and JP2 to be opened.
Settings marked with no *, are set with the three DIP switches, and require JP1 and JP2 to be closed.\
Make sure that selected I/O and EEPROM addresses do not conflict with other devices.
Addresses 0xC0000 - 0xC6000 will conflict with EGA/VGA BIOS extension.
Addresses 0xC8000 - 0xCA000 might conflict with XT Hard Disk BIOS extension.
Addresses 0xE0000 and up might conflict with system BIOS on newer motherboards.
It is recommended to disable EEPROM write once XT IDE BIOS extension is programmed and configured.
SW4 - IDE I/O Port:
123 IDE
111 300 < Default
011 320
101 340
001 360
110 380
010 3A0
100 3C0
000 3E0
The A8 line is provided as a solder-jumper JP3, and should change the first digit of the IDE I/O Port from 3 to 2 (so 300 becomes 200, 3C0 becomes 2C0, etc). This is untested at present.\