Layout and styling of the landing page. Web page based on a semantic responsive markup on BEM methodology.
New browsers — Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and IE 11, newer versions of Android/iOS, etc.
- Valid, semantic, cross-browser layout
- Responsive web design
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Media Queries
- Mobile first
- Pixel perfect
- Fexible images
- BEM methodology
- SASS/SCSS (variables, SCSS modules)
- Animate.css
- WOW.js
- Git
- Npm
- Gulp
- Chrome DevTools
- VS Code
The project uses the basic gulp-builder for layout Gulp Starter Kit
- Collects and optimizes HTML, Sass, JS, images and fonts
- Uses gulp-rigger to work with html chunks
- Includes configuration files for various linters
- All errors are logged to the console
- Adds vendor prefixes
- Optimization Media Queries
- There is a development and assembly mode in prod
- Automatic Deployment on GitHub Pages
Instruction for use Gulp Starter Kit
Before using the Gulp Starter Kit, make sure that Gulp and Node.js are installed on your computer
To build the site on your PC, run the following commands in the terminal:
- Clone the repository on your computer
git clone
- Go to the project folder
cd generator-hub
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the build project
npm start
- In the browser tab go to http://localhost:1234