- 3
- 1
- 0
- 0
How to enable automatic filters?
#216 opened by seizan8 - 5
Version 2.1 doesn't support new Sylius version 1.13
#207 opened by GuiForce - 1
Requirements for V2.3
#214 opened by maximehuran - 0
- 0
Doc : Explain how to add a facet
#211 opened by maximehuran - 1
Version 2.1 doesn't support php 7.4
#187 opened by ehibes - 1
- 3
Variable "event_prefix" does not exist.
#203 opened by vasilvestre - 0
Add attribute notation to SearchableTrait
#198 opened by jurv - 0
Elastic return only top 10 attributes / options
#195 opened by alexispe - 5
ElasticSearch fault detection and bypass
#65 opened by armellarcier - 1
Search issue
#156 opened by costa-jeremy - 1
Tests are failing but action is green
#119 opened by lruozzi9 - 3
How can i add custom extra field in Documents?
#84 opened by atapatel - 5
Add custom fields to taxon filters
#80 opened by costa-jeremy - 2
Impossible to search taxons
#66 opened by Roshyo - 2
[Question]How to define own search criteria.
#56 opened by atapatel - 5
Taxon products index page without filters
#51 opened by easycom-xmedias - 0
Decorating helpers
#85 opened by Florian-Merle - 1
- 0
Documentation for release v2
#117 opened by lruozzi9 - 2
- 1
- 1
Filters problem on resultSet
#87 opened by Quentin-Wuattier - 2
- 2
Ability to define a different index name
#69 opened by armellarcier - 1
Error Adding new products
#61 opened by Lozkho - 2
Sylius 1.8 compatibility
#55 opened by lwillems - 1
Allow updating sylius to 1.12
#146 opened by paulius-adamonis - 2
Impossible to override the index name
#153 opened by costa-jeremy - 0
- 0
The new Indexer does not have an interface
#118 opened by lruozzi9 - 2
- 3
Pagination - the last page produces a 404 not found
#124 opened by tmarly - 1
Class "MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Model\Document\Index\AbstractIndex" not found while loading "MonsieurBiz\SyliusSearchPlugin\Model\Document\Index\Indexer".
#128 opened by camilleislasse - 1
Custom facets on attributes
#116 opened by tmarly - 1
- 1
- 0
An exception has been thrown when original price does not exists for current channel and exists for other(s) channel
#62 opened by htaoufikallah - 0
- 0
RenderDocumentUrl bugs in 0.2.3
#79 opened by Zales0123 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
In template the currency is not converted
#57 opened by lamasfoker - 1
- 3
Populated index fail
#59 opened by Lozkho